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Bedding in Spotswood quarantine?


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Hello all


My two cats and dog will be checking in to Spotswood Melbourne in September. I'm worried for the cats as they're fairly timid and at home they like to sleep in a "cat cave" type bed. My dogs pretty spoiled too! Does anyone know what the bedding is like in Spotswood? Not sure whether to provide my own.........:arghh:

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True I have mainly dog walked dogs in spotswood, but this seems to be the rule for pets. If you want to supply your toys, bedding or clothing for them, they will work out if it is likely to be too dangerous or get too soiled and make a determination on it.


Perhaps you could ask if you could send their particular bedding or at least a photo of it if you would prefer trying your own.


Not sure if this works for cats, but I know a few dog owners who have made special requests.

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Hi. We put our 2 cats into Spotswood last September time. I just wanted to pre-warn you about the fact that Spotswood have some restrictive visiting times, should you be planning on visiting them when you come out. My partner had to start work quite soon after arriving and I unfortunately had to return briefly to the UK to tie up the house sale. He found it hard to actually get there during their visiting times and they don't cater for weekend visitors, which we didn't realise. This wouldn't have stopped us bringing them out but it would have been good to have been warned about this beforehand. Our cats are very pampered and 1 is particularly sensitive and timid and I was worried about them being in there but they soon settled when they were collected. I look at them now and am so pleased that we did bring them out and know that it's a huge dilemma when planning to come out, especially money-wise! Good-luck with the move!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spotswood hours are listed here: http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/cat-dogs/accom/spotswood


"SOME" people seem to think that the cost of aqis stays are expensive, and that the time of quarantine is too long.


I think you will find that they have the minimum staff that they can have (to appease the budget setters) and that means that the staff can only provide so many visits per week to the exercise yards for the hundred or so dogs (not including cats).


By keeping the centre open only four day a week for owner visits, they can maintain security and do the maintenance they require etc too. If it was open seven days per week for eight hours a day, I imagine their staff numbers would rise and the cost of aqis would go up. Its a compromise that wont please too many people. Personally I too have to work around the limited hours available each day, but we do that if we love our dogs.


Good luck!

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