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WA Regional Work Contacts?


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Hi all,


I've been in Oz since the beginning of February but I haven't worked yet and it's starting to worry me! I spent the first 3 months travelling around and seeing the country without really looking into it. I've been in Perth for almost 6 weeks now and have spent a lot of that time trying to get a contract office job for a few months with my accounts/admin experience through a few agencies but with no success yet. So now I'm wondering whether to abandon that idea and do my regional work to a. secure my 2nd year visa and b. replenish the rapidly reducing dollar stack! I've been phoning Pearling companies repeatedly and also a lot of fruit farms south of Perth, actually spending a weekend down in a small town 5 hours south to discover there wouldn't be any work for a few weeks and we would be stuck there with nothing to do. Anyway, can anyone help me out with contacts for regional work and point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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