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Woollahra Woman "Next Monarch?"

The Fisheys

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Rumours, denials, and "off the record briefings" are flying round the corridors of power concerning a little understood or foreseen consequence of last years long overdue repeal of the "Act of Succession." Whilst the anoraks amongst you will know this is the ancient law banning Roman Catholics from the throne, and their heirs and successors, many of you will appreciate it was repealed with cross party support last year, following the announcement of the royal pregnancy. This was meant to mean that the firstborn child from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge would reign one day, irrespective of the sex of the child.

However, instead of simply bringing in new legislation, they repealed the former act.............which has enhanced the claims of approximately 1975 people who believe as descendants of James II, (the last Roman Catholic to sit on the throne of England, deposed in the late 17th century), that they have a better claim to the throne of England.

Top of the list, and therefore chief beneficiary seems to be Woollhara woman, Ebrilly Cyntaf, whose family emigrated to Australia in the early 1960s from South Wales.

Apparently, she is a distant relative of the PM through their maternal grandfather Byddwch yn Joc.

She was found by researchers working for News International, still smarting from the Leveson Report into some of the carry on of some tabloid journalists, and their editors, and some police, and some other establishment figures.

She is said to be a quiet, divorced mother of three, who works in one of the surf bars at nearby Bondi Beach.

Sources at News International deny that there is any spite in this, although it cannot be ignored that the proprietor is a famous Australian, with a history of battles with the UK establishment.

A press conference has been scheduled for Monday, although the location is being kept secret, it will apparently have to take place before noon.

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