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Emigrating help/advice please. Don't know where to start

Hayley Wilson

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Hi, this is my first post so here goes lol

i am 27, my husband is 28 and we have a son who is 2 years old and we are just starting the process of applying for a visa in order to emigrate. My husband is a nvq3 qualified lift engineer with 6 years experience so we are hoping to be granted a skilled trade visa based on his trade. We are hoping to emigrate within the next year and a half, mainly for a better quality of life for our son and future children and we believe that it is always better to have tried then to have not.


We have been doing some research with regards to areas to rent,live when we emigrate and we keep leaning towards the Brisbane, Queensland area. Although it all depends on where my Husband can get work.


is there anyone out there who currently lives In that sort of area and works within the lift trade business who can offer advice/info on jobs? Are there many lift maintenance/servicing jobs opportunities in the area?



Any advice/info welcome please.

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Guest guest74886

Really , really do your homework on whether you can get employment here, lift engineering here will be a very small world with everyone knowing each other , you can have no idea as to how much smaller the world is here and especially in small regional cities like Brisbane, I would suspect that Sydney or Melbourne will give better opportunities but I'm sure that the number of firms will still be small.

Check that there are not hidden trade requirements which will mean you have to do some dodgy State re-training before you can work on a lift in one state or the other and check whether the jobs here are even the same as in the UK, there are very strict demarcations between jobs often, I had a fence done recently and the fence firm wouldn't paint it because that meant they had to employ a qualified painter and have another State licence to do painting.

Sorry to be negative but the Australians love locking people out of lucrative areas of work which they feel is their monopoly, you need to check how many firms there are and how much of a real shortage of skills there is, just because the occupation is on the visa list doesn't mean there are jobs, Oz is experiencing a downturn and the unemployment figures don't tell the full picture, there are a lot of people out of work but who don't qualify for benefits so don't appear in the statistics. You will be amazed at the cost of living here and you will need at least $25000 as a cushion whilst you get work and reckon that you will need a car as well for you to get to work unless your lucky to live and work close to public transport which is not as easily available here as in the UK.

Don't think that because the sun shines here that its cheap living, there are a lot of disillusioned people bailing out from here.

I just flag it all up because forewarned is forearmed and a lot of people are going into debt at the moment and can't see any way out of it here, can't get a job here and can't see how they are going to be able to make it back in the UK because all their capital has gone on making the move..

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i totally agree you need to do your home work on your husbands job and vacancies out here first, NVQ is not really recognised out here and you have to have australian qualification for any trade or employment you get into, out here you have a certificate for everything you carnt even get bar work without one, i have NVQ level 3 in health care 16 years experience and 9 of those in a senior roll in the uk but means nothing here a level 3 is just a level 3 and depending which profession it is it dosent cover all training and units required for australian work, i really carnt comment on your husbands line of work only the qualification but just wanted you to no its not easy, i personally would say to you that if your life in the uk is not that bad and that you just get fed up once and a while like everyone else then grit your teeth and get on with it because its just the same over here you have to work hard for a living and cost of living isnt cheap you wont have friends and family for support around you we are only in our first year which should realy be the honeymoon period but finding it very difficult, good luck with your searching and move if it comes about.

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