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Credit Report wrong


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Hi all,


I'm not sure where to put this but over the last few days I've been looking at my finances to get them in order before the big move. I know my credit report hasn't been good for a while but I'd been led to believe this was due to my moving house to much in the last few years (work and relocation related). However, I was looking at my experian file yesterday and couldn't understand why it was showing as a huge amount of credit. I called them up and it turns out because I have moved out of my home and into parents and back into my house (after a few others) I had duplicates on my file. The system cannot cope with people moving back into the same address. So for the last few years It has shown double the credit I have on the report.

They have removed the duplicate addresses and overnight my credit has halved and my credit score has jumped by 90 points.


I just wanted to let other people know about this as these credit agencies control our finances in effect and they can get things completely wrong.


Hope this helps others figure out where they are having issues and check their credit reports.

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