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hello everyone


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We came over at the end of october and still looking for a place to settle! We have 2 sons aged 25 and 20 who will eventually be joining us and are torn between adelaide where they have second cousins whom they have already met and the sunshine coast. My worry is that jobs will be more difficult to find on the sunshine coast for them. We are a teacher and nurse and fairly happy to go where the work is but we will be supporting them until they get established so feel its important to get the right place for them.

Have enjoyed poms in oz very much and found it very helpful.

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I have twin boys aged 20 - certainly they have settled well in Adelaide and have found it pretty easy to find jobs although I guess it depends what your boys want to do as to how they will find it. We hadn't visited Adelaide before moving out here (although we had been to Sydney and Cairns a few times) and to be honest we have been delighted by our experience of the city.


Good luck with whatever you decide



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