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preparing De facto / partner visa,medical check in advance? evidence?


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i am preparing my visa application now and I am wondering if i should have my medical and police check ready and done before i submit the application? or do i have to wait until immi's request?


here's a list of the "evidence" i am trying to provide, please advise if you have time to read thru it


tax return online application showing spouse section for both my partner and I

Superannuation letter showing each other as beneficiary and partner

Joint bank account

Letter heads showing same address

letter from real estate agency showing the contract term of my last rental before moving into my partner's (we are not renting now so we don't have any joint real estate document)

copies of transaction record which i have paid for the house renovation and the equipments

3x A4 paper with our photos from the start of the relationship

2 pages of the outline of our relationship from me - handwritten in paragraphs(how we met, how we start sharing life together etc)

1 page by my partner - handwritten , in dot points format

a timeline I created in a A4 page stating several milestones/events that we have done together/experienced etc

hotel and flight booking of one of our trips


i have also got a few receipts from a few services we got for the house, which have got my partner's name on, our house address and my phone number, but do not have my name on them. do you think i should get a copy of them too so i can tell immi that my partner use my phone number for such things sometimes?


some of the evidence can be a little tricky..for example, if a receipt has got my credit card number on, should i also provide a copy of my credit card showing my name on it so immi knows it's my credit card?


Also, with all these papers, receipts, documents, should I highlight the parts that i want to show them? or sticky note etc?


Thank you for reading and i appreciate any comment!cheers

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You do not do your police check or medical till after you have submitted your application.


Your CO will give you the information re your medical and also a reference number you have to give the medical centre when you attend. It relates to your case and they won't do a medical for a partner visa without it.


Police checks are also asked for around the same time as your medical. Usually about 3 months after you submit.


Doing anything like this earlier than asked doesn't speed up your application at all. They take 8-9 months and the 3 month window between applying and then having medical and police check is done for a reason, to ensure you have at least 6 months to validate or move to Aus once your visa is granted.


Don't put any post it notes or highlight anything. Just put it all in a neat pile in the envelope and your CO will sort it all out once it arrives on their desk.

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Your supporting statements sound a bit thin. One page in dot point format... does it cover your plans for the future, emotional support, financial before and in the future, household chores, who does what and so on. Does your statement cover all those things. Its not just about where you met and up till today, its about the future also and how you are as a couple.


Personally I'd put the timeline of events into your supporting statements. That is what the statement is for. They don't ask for a timeline, they ask for statements from you both about your relationship. Give them what they ask for.

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Do you not have more bills for either of you going to the same address? Council tax, tax, phone, gas or electric, car insurance (even better if partner is named driver and so on). Its not just the letterheads they are looking at but that you share a life together, so you share the bills and payments and so on. For example my hubby pays the council tax but its in both our names. I pay the phone bill and car insurance. He is on the insurance also. He pays the electric in his name only. All to the same address.

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thank you so much!


do you know whether the statement have to be handwritten?


thanks for the idea i did cover the emotional support financial and household stuff, but i guess i didn't think of the future part. i am gonna put that part in as well!

all the bills are under my partner's name, all my bills are online like mobile phone and bank statement. i probably will provide them if they have got address on them ..

thanks again for the ideas!

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thank you so much!


do you know whether the statement have to be handwritten?


thanks for the idea i did cover the emotional support financial and household stuff, but i guess i didn't think of the future part. i am gonna put that part in as well!

all the bills are under my partner's name, all my bills are online like mobile phone and bank statement. i probably will provide them if they have got address on them ..

thanks again for the ideas!


Have you read the partner migration booklet? It gives you a detailed run down of everything for the supporting statements and so on. It also explains about everything else in detail. And then you have your check list with your application. Don't worry about the police check and medical though as this will be requested later on by your CO.





If your bills are online print them off and send them in. You should provide them as its evidence to support your application and puts you two together as a couple. We sent in supporting evidence covering every year since my OH moved in with me. At least one or two bills for each year, either in both our names or one and the other. And then 2 years worth of salary slips from my husband to show his earnings etc and ability to pay the bills and support our family. Also bank statements where we share a joint account.


Have you got stat decs sorted yet? I ask as you don't mention them.


Your supporting statements can be hand written or typed. I typed 3.5 pages of A4 worth. Hubby wrote 5 pages of A4 by hand.


We have a partner visa thread going which may be of use to you.



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i have got all the forms ready, form 80, 2x 888,47SP and 40SP..its just the evidence i am worry about.


by the way, we started living together in feb 2012 and that's the date we put in the forms, however, all my letters, online bills address didn't get changed until March and some in April , (my bank statement only comes every quarter).. do you think that may look suspicious as if we are lying?


also, the reason i got confused is that in the booklet it says that the medical check and police check should be obtained if we lodge the application in australia. so i should probably do them first?

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Ok so this is an onshore application then? You are already in Aus? You didn't say and I replied thinking you were offshore.

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When I applied for my 1st stage defacto visa, I was told by my Case Officer that my visa process would have been quicker if I’d submitted a Aus police check with my application. I'd been here only 10 months when I applied, so didn't think I’d need an Aus one as it advises on the form to get one if you've been here for over 12 months. I'd only supplied a UK one. Whilst they accepted my application, I was told it'd be pending until I obtained a Aus police check which wasn't bad, only took a couple of weeks.


Medical, our Case Worker told us who to go to. It was a designated Medical Centre in Sydney CBD. We just called up and booked an appointment. Not sure where you are, but the immigration office should be able to tell you where to go.


Proof of our address, we met in London and only had proof we were living together since being in Australia 10 months. We did however, have lots of proof we had been in a relationship for 18 months at that point. Lots of flights here there and everywhere before arriving into Australia. Plus, we'd spend 2 months in Asia before arriving in Australia, so they counted that as a part of the 12 months proof. Try not to over think whether your application looks like you're lying, I was crapping myself when I was filling out the forms, re-checking over and over before I handed them in, so I can definitely appreciate what you're going through. I also had both sets of Parents write a letter verifying our relationship, which our Case Officer said was a good idea when he looked through our application.


I was lucky, I met my case worker. Most people I know that have gone through the Defacto visa process don't meet him/her.


Have everything ready, definitely the police checks.

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yes sorry for the confusion..

so should i do the medical check and police check now if i am submitting the application in about two weeks?


on the web site it says 'You must meet certain health requirements. Please do not undertake a health check unless requested to do so.

but in the booklet it says If possible, you should visit Medibank Health

Solutions for your medical examinations before you lodge your Partner visa application.



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yes sorry for the confusion..

so should i do the medical check and police check now if i am submitting the application in about two weeks?


on the web site it says 'You must meet certain health requirements. Please do not undertake a health check unless requested to do so.

but in the booklet it says If possible, you should visit Medibank Health

Solutions for your medical examinations before you lodge your Partner visa application.




Given that current wait time on an on shore application is 13 months I'd wait for the medical. We have an on shore partner visa thread and I am sure if you read through that you could find if people are doing them in advance or waiting till CO requests.

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Given that current wait time on an on shore application is 13 months I'd wait for the medical. We have an on shore partner visa thread and I am sure if you read through that you could find if people are doing them in advance or waiting till CO requests.


i see a lot of people saying that they wait for the request from CO. but most of them are offshore. I am not sure if anyone had to do it twice because of the long wait time. i guess i will wait until the i get a case officer and hopefully i could check with them straight away..

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yeah you can wait for the medical for now but get the police checks. Medical is routine, chest x-ray, urine check and blood check. I got my appointment within days of calling (In Sydney)

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yeah you can wait for the medical for now but get the police checks. Medical is routine, chest x-ray, urine check and blood check. I got my appointment within days of calling (In Sydney)


yea i already applied the aus police check last week so it shouldnt be too long. so is your visa granted yet EmT? if so, how long did you wait since you lodged your application?


I am thinking to submit the whole application to the immigration department and pay the money on the spot. Do you know whether I can do that or do i have to have to posted?


thank you for the help everyone! :)

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not sure if anyone still check this thread

i am at the last step of my application now. everything is almost good to go.


does anyone know if i can pay the visa charge at the department? I am in SA and i am supposed to mail the application to Perth. I only have a debit card and the form says i cant do debit card if i lodge by mail. so i am thinking that i will mail the application to Perth and pay in SA. does it work this way?

thanks everyone

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