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Hoping to move my family to Melbourne any advice welcome!


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Hi all my names Scott I have a wife and 2 children aged 12 and 9. Its been an ambition of mine for years to move my family over from the UK and finally we have agreed to put the wheels in motion.

Obviously this is new to me so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am in the motor industry and have already received interest from company's in Melbourne. So I will ensure to have a job before we go we shall be renting for a couple years to get us straight then look to buy. I will travel out first to set up for my wife to join me but I am wondering what sort of money I would need to bring over to get things straight??

Also My son has a dog who he will not leave lol any advice there??

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Welcome to the forum, I am no good on the money side as we have been in Aus for a long time. If you join the Life in Victoria forum, there is a link at the foot of this forum page, a few of the members are recent arrivals and they will be able to answer all your questions. I believe one of them works in the motor industry so may have some helpful information for you. There is a pet section of the forum here which will give you idea of price and what has to be done to bring your dog. A lot of people do bring their pets over as well.


Good look.

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We all manage on different amounts when we move over, some people do it on a shoestring and others do not. As you would have a job to go to, you will need less than some. I would just do a bit of googling and a spreadsheet and you can work out what you need for accommodation and think about what you would do for a car. For day to day, think about what you mind spend now and multiply by 2.5 and that would be about your $ with maybe a buffer.


Reconsider coming on ahead first, especially if you have a job to go to. This is one of the most momentous things you will ever do, why do it separately. Come together, share the experience together and get set up together. It is hard on both parties when you split the trip over, I understand why someone would go on ahead if there is no job to go to, but you have indicated that won't be the case for you. We travelled only a few days apart because I needed to start work straight away, I still regret that we did not share that excitement (and every other emotion) of going to airport together and arriving together.


Understand your visa. Your company is probably going to put you on a temporary visa, it is essentially a work permit and if you lose your job yo uwill have 28 days to leave the country, house or no house. Think about your strategy around visas and house buying.


Use a pet removal company for the dog, it takes away the pain. We have used Airpets, not the cheapest but good.

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