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Which order to do things in...advice please


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Hi there, new to this forum. Hubby and I have (finally) made the decision to go home after 5 years in Oz. I can't wait! Planning on heading back in July. We have a dog that we will be transporting back, and our baby will be about 10 months when we leave. Given the amount of things to organise, I was hoping for some advice. Would you pack up and send a crate back to UK as we leave, or send it on in advance? Probably should point out that we have a house back in the UK that we have rented out, so hoping we will be able to get back in there as we arrive home. Thanks in advance. :biggrin:

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I'd perhaps slit the difference IYKWIM. So about equal time either side.


It really boils down to which end can you manage better without stuff? I'd say if you have family and friends nearby in the UK who can lend you stuff till your things arrive, then ship later on the Aus side and have the wait in the UK. Also you can buy really cheap stuff once back in the UK to see you through. Go to any Ikea and buy a few plates, set of cutlery etc and spent only 50p a plate for example.


The Ikea highchair is brilliant and cheap as chips also. £14 or so all up with the tray. Love it and would never spent more on any of the brand makes. I'd price up stuff in Ikea and if you don't need or want to ship it replace once back in the UK.

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Thank you, yes I am sure we can call on friends and family. I'll have to think back to when we came out here and what we really needed in those months while we waited for the crate to arrive...


And yes, i agree, you can't go wrong with the ikea high chair :)

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