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Period to Activate 457 Visa


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Good Morning all,


I am due to fly out on the 13th of March to start a new life in Australia, however this morning I've woken up to an email from my new employer stating that they need to get an extension to my 457 visa as 90 days would have passed by the time I've flown out so I couldn't validate it.


Is this the case? Do 457 visa's need to be validated within 90 days? I've checked my TRN number and it doesn't state anything about a 90 days activation period only that I am free to enter and leave Australia during my stay and not to arrive after the date my visa expires. There is also no Arrive before date on there either.


I should add my visa is a 4 year and expires on the 5th of December 2016


I'm very worried now as everything was in place, shippers arrive on the 7th/8th, flights are booked.




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Why did you get your visa so far in advance. A 457 visa certainly needs to be used and employment taken up, so it could be true, although I don't know ins and outs of it. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will be along soon.

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The visa was granted 5th of December 2012 and I had a start date of the 18th of March 2013.


The reason for the long period was the holiday period, the dates we could get from the shippers and I had to give 8 weeks notice where I work.

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I have just getting of the phone to the Australian Immigration Embassy in London and they have confirmed there is no "validation period" for 457 Visa's. He checked my visa and said I was free to enter and leave the country as many time as I pleased but could not enter after the visa has expired on the 5th of December 2016.


I've now passed this information onto my new employer and awaiting a response from them.




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