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Should we use a migration agent or just do it ourselves?


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Hey guys, theres probably been a million of these posted but I'm wondering what people in a similar situation would do or have done?


I'm 36 a time served carpenter with 15 yrs experience and also a qualified tree surgeon/ arborist with four years at that.

My wife who will be main applicant is a special needs teacher with 15 years under her belt.

We have three young children Erin 5, Jude 3, and Rory 2. Erin has a slight scoliosis (twist of the spine) she wears a plaster vest 24hrs a day and this is changed every 4 months as she grows. She will need one operation in her teens to reinforce the job the plaster vest has done throughout her childhood.

She will lead a perfectly normal life and only the plaster vest prohibits her from swimming etc..


Jude is 3 and has been diagnosed with mild Autism. His development is coming on leaps and bounds and with 1 or 2 years of support here at home should be ready for mainstream education. We know that the Autism may be a stumbling block but after correspondence with a qualified party there may be a change in legislation regarding this as atm every diagnosis of ASD is put under the "RainMan" umbrella. As my wife is a special needs teacher, the feeling is they will now look at how a family can support a child as much as possible in the home regarding their development and techniques to further the childs understanding of the big world.


Our plan is to make the move in two years as the kids will be at school and we would both need to be working. We have quite a large family network

in Melbourne all of whom think we would do well.


Since the system change where "An expression of interest" was introduced has it increased the possible need of a migration agent or is it simpler with less chance of making a mistake? I realise there are a number of scenarios and different elements to the application process, but if anyone has gone through the DIY route with kind of similar circumstances to ours any input would be great!!


If we begin the process now on average how long would it take to get a yay or nay with regards to PR visa?


Many thanks Peter!!:biggrin:

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From what you have posted, you should consider using an agent that has experience with medical issues, as specialist reports would likely be needed and they would have better knowledge on what is required in these. I see your reasoning regarding your wife being qualified to help, but it comes down to how much it is going to cost the Australian tax payer.


There have been more issues with people having to withdraw their application with the introduction with EOI due to the amount of points claimed in EOI, must match how much you are assessed to have, even if you still pass the points test if you are found to have less you will need to withdraw, or have made an error in your application.


Some agents have a specialist that can assess medical conditions, work out what will be the costs to see if you would be able to pass medical when it comes round.


George Lombard is one who is often recommended with medical issues, but you could try Ian Harrop or Visa Bureau.

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From what you have posted, you should consider using an agent that has experience with medical issues, as specialist reports would likely be needed and they would have better knowledge on what is required in these. I see your reasoning regarding your wife being qualified to help, but it comes down to how much it is going to cost the Australian tax payer.


There have been more issues with people having to withdraw their application with the introduction with EOI due to the amount of points claimed in EOI, must match how much you are assessed to have, even if you still pass the points test if you are found to have less you will need to withdraw, or have made an error in your application.


Some agents have a specialist that can assess medical conditions, work out what will be the costs to see if you would be able to pass medical when it comes round.


George Lombard is one who is often recommended with medical issues, but you could try Ian Harrop or Visa Bureau.


Yeah it was George who I contacted and in reality I'm really just thinking of the cost of an agent. In the bigger picture it's a small price to pay if the process is handled

correctly with all the t's crossed and i's dotted.

I was just wondering if anyone had attempted it themselves in a similar situation and how they got on..


Cheers for your reply!! Peter

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