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Hi! We might be moving to Sydney!


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My husband has just got a job offer in Sydney. He's really keen on the job and on Sydney and it sounds like a great opportunity for us. I have never even been to Australia but have some good friends dotted around the country including some in Sydney. There is a lot to think about but it looks like we could be making the move in the next year or so.

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It is very exciting and scary too.

I guess a lot of people here have been thinking about the move for a long time but it is all new to us. We've been considering moving away from here but it was always going to be work dependent. Now my head is in a spin! It looks like we wouldn't be leaving before November since my husband's current employer wants to make it worth his while to stay until at least then.


The thing I am most worried about is selling our house and shipping our two cats over. I have no idea when we should put it on the market or what we will do with the cats if it sells quickly. I am going to get them vaccinated against rabies ASAP.

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