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OH and I have actually made the decision (after years and years of talking about it) that we would like to emigrate to Australia.

After reading as much as I can, I can see we have a long journey ahead of us so am trying to stay calm and patient.

Haven't even done anything about it yet but we have both decided it is something we definitely want to do.

He is a qualified electrican so hope he will be our way in but will not get our hopes up as he has hemachromatosis and I have an overactive thyroid so will definitely not get excited till we pass our medicals.

One thing I was wondering though, our daughter is 18 and will be 19 in July, can she be classed as a dependant or does she have to apply in her own right?


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Hi Dianne welcome to poms in oz


Cant help with the medical questions but your daughter if she is in full time education or on a low paid training programme such as a formal apprenticeship it should be pretty straight forward so i am led to believe.


Our son is almost 19 and not at college but in a low paid full time job but it is not a formal trianing programme, we are in the process of trying to get him over on our visas as a dependant but i'm not to optimistic but its worth a shot, he doesn't want to come anyway.


They don't ask you to prove dependancy until right at the very end when they are making their decision which is pain.


I would speak to an agent regarding this as its a complicated business many offer free initial advise and can advise you on the best action to take.


All the best

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Dianne


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


Your medical issues don't sound like show-stoppers to me. A friend of mine has haemochromatosis. According toher, it means she has too much iron in her blood. They made her stop drinking alcohol and I presume she is on drugs of some kind, but she seems to lead a perfectly normal life.


I've read loads of posts by people with over or under active thyroids and it does ot seem to have stopped any of them from getting visas.


With regard to your daughter, my understandingis the same as Wardy's.


Best wishes



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Feel a bit more reassured about the medical things (they're not life threatening) but was convinced for a long time they would stop us from getting in so am a bit more hopeful now.


But about my daughter - she is in a full time job with decent money but leaving soon to train to be cabin crew and hoping to get a cabin crew job in Oz.


Hope we don't have to leave her behind cos I can't go without her it seems likely they won't see her as a dependant (she earns more than me lol)


So if she's not classed as a dependant can we still include her in our application or does she have to apply herself? :sad:



That's question 2 of 1,000000 over i'll be back with question 3 no doubt very soon lol :biglaugh:

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