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Any nurses moving to Adelaide in 2013?...


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Hello there everyone!

I'm Mandi, a staff nurse currently in Lincolnshire, originally from Yorkshire!!

I've just re-joined this forum to meet fellow users and hopefully share ideas, advice & experiences.

I received my PR 190 visa in Nov '12 and cannot wait to move to Adelaide later this year, Sept/Oct time.

It would be great to hear from other Poms to be & from those of you lucky enough to be over there already!!

Speak soon!

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Guest Guest26012

Hi again, there is a specific nurses section on here, it's a very good one and it is full of information, it might be worth your while to pop on there?

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Guest Guest26012

Soz that didn't come out right lol! This iPad is temperamental! If you click on the search button and type in nurses lots of nursing threads come up!

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LMAO when I try to "pop it" where u suggest, it comes up in the same place I originally posted it?!!!

funny how it's had 57 views even when not in the right place!!!? lol

thanks for your input, tho I don't quite know how you've actually guided me!!!!

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