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Dreaming of OZ!


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This is my first post on the forum and I'm looking for some advice!*


My partner was sponsored by the company he works for to work in Sydney freelance for a few months last year and afterwards we travelled around Australia & fell in love with the place!


So much so, since returning to the Uk, Australia has never been very at from our minds!*


We are keen to get back to Australia to work and hopefully settle, we love the people, the opportunities and above all else the lifestyle!*


My partners company have hinted at possible opportunities coming up this year, which would almost certainly offer sponsorship, but nothing is guaranteed or has any timescale yet so we feel that it may never happen.


I'm fortunate to be in a situation where I can go back to study if I wish, so I am looking at getting into something which might give us a better chance of emigrating to Oz and a solid foundation to build a life there.


I'm considering two occupations, midwifery or primary school teaching. Both I am eligible to train in so I'm considering which would be my best option. My only work experience is as a contracts administrator and previously a sales manager.


I'd prefer to train in something which could potentially give us the best possible start in oz and that would offer me a decent salary.


If anyone has any advice, that would be great !*


Thanks :)*

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi and welcome to the forum.

Im not an agent so could be wrong, but based on the job vacancies that come up I would say nursing would give you a better chance.

Remember though after you have qualified you have to have so much experience behind you. Why not chat with an agent and see what's your best option.

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Thanks Moving2Melbourne, the more I research I think that my partners sponsorship might be our only shot, as there's no guarantee after training that those professions would still be required under the skilled migrant list! Other than that I may try get something related to recruitment which i have some experience in and go from there! This waiting game is no fun, but m sure if it works out it'll be worth it in the end. Cheers for your reply :)

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You may be able to apply based on your contracts administration experience,


Its def worth talking to an agent. This could be a perm route for you verses your OH 'temp' visa with work again.

Good luck :)


Hi DonnaC


Thank you, i will take a look, i can't believe i've been a googleaholic for the past year and i have some how missed this!

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