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Friends for day trips and drinks :)

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Hiya everyone,


I a 23 year old female from Lancashire. Currently living in Sutherlandshire area.


I have been here just over a month and looking to make new friends away from work and family. Message me if you fancy catching up, going for a day trip or just a drink.


Hope to Hear from you soon.


Emma :rolleyes:


Merry Christmas Guys and Girlies :xmas24:

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Hi Emma, welcome to Sydney. I feel 'ancient' by comparison to you - I am 58. God, my cousin in Perth has just sent me an Xmas card and asked how my 60th was! I was 24 when I came to Sydney, and my brothers were 22 and 20. Anyway, I'm in Surry HIlls and I'm usually knocking around one or other of the local pubs - Strawberry Hills, Royal Exhibition & Trinity are my main ones. I had my dinner in the Trinity on Thursday and Sunday, Strawberry on on Saturday, Gaelic Club/Hotel last night - it's in between the Strawbo and the Exhibition. At least I can introduce you to the bar staff!

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I just realized that I was sexist enough not to ask if you followed a football team? 'Lancashire?' You could be one of two types of red or blue! Seriously, if you DO follow a team, it's an excellent way to build a social life here if there is a pub where your club fans gather. And if you DON'T follow a team, why not become a Tottenham Hotspur supporter!?


Google 'Meet Ups' too, and sign up as there seem to be a myriad of social groups on there. I intend to start bush walking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Emma


Did you have a nice Christmas? Im 24 and moved to Syndey about 6 weeks ago. Would love to meet some new friends as finding it difficult as I know noone here! eeekk!


Let me know if you would like to meet and we can put it in the diary :-)



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