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Deposits & Rents in Melbourne


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Hello all!


Just a quick question and I know it may sound a little silly....but does rental work the same way in Melbourne/Oz in general as it does in the UK? In the sense that to secure a rental you need to pay the deposit and the first months rental?


Any help is MUCH appreciated as we are moving to Melbs in just over 9 weeks!



Sooz :)

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Many on PIO say the rental market is very, very competitive and that sometimes it may be necessary to do over and above the norm. For example I have heard people say that they have paid 6 months rent in advance!


I'm sure others will be able to offer better info.


We are going in June and based on comments on here securing a rental is our biggest concern.

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That has been our biggest worry.


We are fortunate that we have a good network of friends out there already who are trying to put us in touch with people where rentals are available.


Not panicking too much........

With having friends their it is possible to sort before you get to Aus


We found ours got my brother to view it and we got it


We still live in it now after more than 2 years

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After 4 weeks of looking and not finding anything, we found a place and it really suited us (location more than the house though). We asked the agent how we could increase our chances, and she mentioned offering 6 months rent in advance, or offering more. We didn't do either, but after two days the agent rang to say someone else had offered an extra $20 a week, did we want to do the same ?

We still have no way of knowing if this was true or not, but we did it anyway, and we did get the house we wanted. It's worth knowing things like that.

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With having friends their it is possible to sort before you get to Aus


We found ours got my brother to view it and we got it


We still live in it now after more than 2 years




How difficult is it to sort out whilst still in the UK? Not sure if we are looking to secure once we are there.......but we are certainly looking long term.


If we find somewhere that ticks our boxes then we will be inclined to stay there 18+ months plus.

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How difficult is it to sort out whilst still in the UK? Not sure if we are looking to secure once we are there.......but we are certainly looking long term.


If we find somewhere that ticks our boxes then we will be inclined to stay there 18+ months plus.

We searched on sites for houses to rent etc

We found one we we're interested in

Really liked the look of it but pictures can be so deceiving

They had several interested in renting it but the owners wanted a family in it and we fitted that bill

The agent offered it to us but we'd have to have it viewed and was it possible

I got my brother to do so

He confirmed it was nice

We went for it


We took it for 6months initially to be safe and keep options open


We we're lucky that everything worked out like it did


But it does happen and you never know you might be lucky too


We felt so much better knowing we had our rental sorted


Good luck

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