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CO Received, but unsure


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I posted this on the "Life in Victoria" section but haven't had a response so am not sure how active that section is. (and my impatience may be coming to life here :wink:)


It's been almost 4 years to the day, but we finally got a CO today (originally 176 Family Sponsored and changed to 176 SS - Victoria in April)


It's been an absolute rollercoaster getting to this point. So much has changed since we first applied and we are now wondering if a move to Oz is still for us. We have a moral obligation to live in Victoria for 2 years but the cost of housing/living really scares us. We dont want to blow our life savings on rent and then not be able to afford to buy a decent house due to the cost. I dont want to commute an hour each way (i already do that) just to be afford something decent.

We've managed to save enough money to afford a mortgage on a nice 4 bedroom house in the UK and we're wondering if that's the route that we should just go with.

What we're craving is a more outdoor lifestyle, especially for our 2yr old. Some better weather. More open spaces. Not sure if we'll get this in Melbourne.


I'm sure many of you are shouting at the screen wondering how we can not be excited about finally getting a CO. Four years is long time and we've moved on a lot in our lives since we first decided to emigrate. We also harbour a lot of anger towards Australia for forcing such an emotional rollercoaster on us. Can we ever forgive Australia for that? Can we learn to love the country after the way so many of us have been treated in the immigration process.


So, I guess i'm just reaching out to those who took the plunge and moved to Melbourne and hoping for a bit of positive, and even negative, feedback.


Is australia (Melbourne in particular) really the land of plenty? Or is it just not worth it?

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Mmmm. Well, first off, as far as I can see it isn't more of an outdoor lifestyle for most people here. Aussies seem to complain constantly whatever the weather. It's too hot, too cold, too wet, windy etc. I work in a plant nursery and most of the staff bail if the weather isn't perfect. Sure there is a longer amount of the year where it is. But then people worry about skin cancer.

For me though I much prefer the weather as I can grow more plants and my fruits and veggies actually get a chance to ripen.


Victoria wise. There are other places than Melbourne. If you are doing an hours drive to work now, what is another two years. I do an hours drive to work here (and did in the uk). But for more of the year I don't need my lights on. I don't need to scrape ice off the car in the morning. Petrol is much cheaper so it doesn't cost the earth to do it.


I know what you mean about feeling bitter about immigration, but I'm pretty sure I will forget that quickly once I have my visa and can live my life not in limbo.


Lots of life is certainly not better here. But some things are. It depends what is important to you, but if that is mostly the outdoor lifestyle then I would leave it.


Have you been to Victoria before?

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