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Cat5 applicant from 2009 now with an Invite for 189, what route?


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Hi all,


As you can see from my signature I applied back in early 2009 for a fam sponsored 176 (ASCO Systems Manager - SOL2), after all the changes I have been stuck in Cat5 with no idea of when I am being processed. I went ahead and got myself reassessed as my job has changed since 2009 and I now have been assessed as ICT Business Analyst (Sol1) and I also recently got IELTS 9.0. I applied for an EOI with 70 points and got myself an invite. Now I have a difficult decision to make and would like PIO members opinions.


I also recently applied for NSW state sponsorship of my 176 application, a long shot but still worth it I think. If that fails I reckon I have the following options:-




  1. Sit an wait in Cat5 queue, DIAC have confirmed I can transfer my 176 fam sponsored to 175 independent and probably get processed quicker. But still an unknown. Could be mid to end of 2013 to get a CO at best.
  2. Withdraw my 176 application and pay again for 189, with no idea when I would get processed as I believe the processing times for 189 haven't been released (please correct me if I'm wrong). Paying twice would be a bitter pill but still manageable, but I may not actually get processed quicker that's the thing!



Any advice welcomed!

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I was in a similar situation as you as I applied on a 175 in 2008. I've just got reassessed in a different job and got state sponsership. I have decided to swallow that bitter pill and pay again. I've been watching the threads for the new applicants on skill select and they seem to be getting processed very fast. Somehow, I feel the cat 5's will never get processed and I fear it's just a matter of time before they find another reason not to process us! I'm sure some people will comment on why pay again, but I suppose I comes down to how much you want it!


Good luck with your decision.



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We applied for a 475 FS visa in February 2009, which is stuck in cat5. We were so fed up of waiting with no end in sight so we decided to start again, but this time did IELTS, got WA SS and now have applied for 190 and yes paid for it all again including additional agent fees. And no regrets, should have CO in the next few weeks and hopefully a permanent move after Christmas.

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