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Are you 50-64 year old, returning to UK and hoping to claim Aussie Pension


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I have been told I cannot claim Australian aged pension at retirement aged unless I am living here on my 65th Birthday and can prove residency. I have been told that I have to live here for 2 years prior to retirement age to claim it if I want it to be portable. I have also been told that if I come back at 65 and claim, I have to stay on for 2 years after that to make it portable. This is because there is no reciprocal agreement with UK. I could live in Ireland or France or in many other countries and claim it whilst abroad but not UK. I would love to hear from others who have faced this problem and what they did to resolve it as I want to return to UK to live but do not see why I should give up my 'entitlements' having lived and worked her for 31 years!

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Some interesting poinyou raise. I am aware the agreement between UK and Australia was terminated in around 01.Indeed we are able to get the pension in a host of countties outside the UK....So France or Germany would indeed be easier.

There was previously a good web site which gave treaty agreements on pensions for australian claiments but it has been taken down by the government.Shame as it was very detailed and imformative. The UK was the one outstanding omission though. Macedonia,Cyprus,Malta...were all included......


This is due to a long running dispute with Australia having to top up frozen UK pensions(at time of departure UK)


I wasn't aware of one must be living in Australia on their 65th birthday.Is that only for UK reitrees or international I wonder. I've still got awhile to go and will have to be creative or spend everything before I can expect anything from the Australian government anyway. Pension here is very low ...and even then they don't want to give it to us.....Is there something that one has had to have worked/lived in Australia 25 years after age 16?

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Some interesting poinyou raise. I am aware the agreement between UK and Australia was terminated in around 01.Indeed we are able to get the pension in a host of countties outside the UK....So France or Germany would indeed be easier.

There was previously a good web site which gave treaty agreements on pensions for australian claiments but it has been taken down by the government.Shame as it was very detailed and imformative. The UK was the one outstanding omission though. Macedonia,Cyprus,Malta...were all included......


This is due to a long running dispute with Australia having to top up frozen UK pensions(at time of departure UK)


I wasn't aware of one must be living in Australia on their 65th birthday.Is that only for UK reitrees or international I wonder. I've still got awhile to go and will have to be creative or spend everything before I can expect anything from the Australian government anyway. Pension here is very low ...and even then they don't want to give it to us.....Is there something that one has had to have worked/lived in Australia 25 years after age 16?

No, from what I've read 10 years working here with 5 years continuous (if you have to go in and out of the country) - that seems too lenient considering how long I've been here! I have reams of stuff on this matter and cannot find a way around it unless you have to return because of needing medical treatment there or a family member is terminally ill for example.

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