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Medicals sent to Berlin Embassy, not Sydney


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In my country there is no eHealth, so my medicals were sent using post. Now I got to know that they were sent to Berlin, not to Sydney. CO told that Berlin MAY send them to Sydney and I should expect delay of several weeks now. :(

It makes me sad. Has someone experience, will my papers reach to Sydney and do I really have to wait several weeks now? Or should I redo my medicals?



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In my country there is no eHealth, so my medicals were sent using post. Now I got to know that they were sent to Berlin, not to Sydney. CO told that Berlin MAY send them to Sydney and I should expect delay of several weeks now. :(

It makes me sad. Has someone experience, will my papers reach to Sydney and do I really have to wait several weeks now? Or should I redo my medicals?






Panel doctors and their ancillary staff are supposed to know where medical reports should be sent, but I always advise clients to pay for courier delivery, if applicable, and make sure reports are sent to the correct address. Ancillary staff become accustomed to sending medical reports for visitor and other visas that can be locally cleared to local missions and they sometimes do so with reports that should go to Sydney.


If it is not too late, pay for courier delivery to Lee Street. Repeating your medicals is probably not the best strategy. If you do, pay for courier delivery.

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