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Hi Everyone - sorry to crash your section - I'm in Melbourne, so please forgive me :)


But.... I was chatting to my brother yesterday - he helps run a really brilliant function band called the Baker Boys - http://www.bakerboysband.com.au/


Anyway, they're looking for lead singers in WA to join the band. I promise this is legit - and I said I'd put a message out on the off-chance anyone here is interested (and please share the news) if you have any friends of friends).


They do mostly weddings and corporate gigs, playing covers (all the usual culprits!) and are an extremely professional crew.

There is a catch - you have to be good and you have to be reliable (not really much of a catch I think, but hey!). But these guys (& gals) are very good, and it pays well :)


If anyone is interested or wants more info please send me a PM, or if you can suggest anywhere else for them to look.





(and hope you're enjoying the sunshine!)

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