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457 to PR

Guest shaunaforoz

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Guest shaunaforoz

Out of curiosity...if you go to Oz on a 457 visa and you want to apply for PR am I right in thinking that your employer must sponsor you for it?


I suppose I am looking at worst case scenarios but what would happen if your employer wouldnt sponsor you for PR, what happens then? Was looking at a few posts of people who are moving out with their whole families and I was wondering what security do they really have? I know that if you leave your employer you have 28 days to find a new sponsor but how long can you stay in Oz on a 457, i thought they only lasted 4 years (I am probably wrong here), and what happens at the end of the four years if your employer wont sponsor you for PR?


Can you apply for a Skilled Migration Visa (obviously this would be an onshore application), and what if your occupation is not on the list for the state you were sponsored in or the CSOL 1 list, what happens then, do you have to move states?


Sorry I did look online but I seem to have just confused myself more :o)

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If your employer does not agree to sponsor you for PR and you are not eligible for GSM, you can get another 4 years 457 visa, if you still meet the conditions.


With the new Skillselect visa subclasses there are not different offshore/onshore subclasses.


If your occupation is not on SOL 1, and not on the State Migration Plan - you could apply for another state if your occupation is on the list - BUT the state might regect your application if you are already working in a different state. But you may be able to get offlist sponsorship if you are working in a state and your occupation in not on the list.


You would find if you had been working for an employer for 2 or 4 years you should hopefully get Sponsored for PR, if not as you have work experience in Australia - hopefully you would be able to find another employer to be able to sponsor you.


If your occupation is not on the CSOL - you wont be able to get sponsorship through 457 or ENS. You would need to look at RSMS, which is PR visa anyway.

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