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New EOI system and occupation

Guest MrCalvin

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Guest MrCalvin

Hello Everyone


My name is Calvin, I am new here, I just have a couple of questions regarding the EOI system. Just wondering if someone could help me out.


I did my bachelor degree of civil engineering in the University of Queensland ,Brisbane.


1. Did any civil engineer get invited by submitting EOI, if so, whats the score bottom line?


2. Any way we could apply for state sponsor visa 190?


3. if we would like to get 5 points from partner, it seems partner has to be same occupation(l am civil engineer, my partner has to be the same, not accountant or any other occupation?) just wanna confirm this.



thx if anyone could help

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Guest MrCalvin

[h=4]Partner Skills[/h]

You can receive five points if your partner meets requirements at the time you are invited to apply relating to:




  • age
  • English language ability
  • a suitable skills assessment in a nominated occupation on the same Skilled Occupation List used for your application.




this is what I copied from DIAC website, i am a bit confused by the last sentence.

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Both occupations need to be on same list - either both on SOL 1 or both on CSOL schedual 2.


As your occupation is on SOL 1 - your partners would also need to be on the SOL 1.


There has only been a small amount of invitations been sent out by DIAC in the first round of invitations, 90 invites. So it would likely people with very high points that have been invitied.


Have you considered getting State Nomination if your require more points? You need to check each States Migration Plan to see if your occupation is on it.


YOu should run your case past a registered Migration agent to see which is the best way forward for you.

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Guest MrCalvin

Thx,leb,I'm considering getting state nomination,just don't know where to start,I'm from QLD.

You got any idea?


Do you have any migration agent to reckon ?



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