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State Schools in Cairns


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We are planning to move to Cairns in two months, I have a 5 years old boy that will be entering in year 1. I was looking at the schools and want it to know if somebody can give me information about Freshwater State School, I know most of the people in Australia prefer private schools but since my Husband is Jewish and I am a Catholic we think that is better to have a none religious school for our son. So are the state school that bad?.

Hope that somebody can help me with this...

Thank you

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Hi - I haven't lived in Cairns but I did raise my children in Australia and sent both of them to public (state) schools. Both flourished and had their pick of university offers so I don't have a bad word to say about the public system.


Hopefully someone will come along with some info about the particular school you are interested in.

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