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Child Visa Form 40CH and 47CH - help

Guest sabink

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Guest sabink

Hi, has anyone gone through the process of getting a child visa added to an existing family visa?


I have a few questions, as we'd like to save a few £ and complete the forms ourself. Please get in touch, but heres the qus


40CH Form


Qu 19/41 detail yours and your partners australia status. We are still in the UK, so were thinking of putting down "permanent residence of australia" with date of first entry to validate visa.


Qu 20 It also mentions if you are still in the UK, add a statement in Part N detailing how you will oblige to your sponsorship reqs. Is this simply a "we have our visas, this is adding a child to it, and we plan to move on x/x/x?"


Qu 30 do you have any dependents? Based on being the sponsor, already with a child who holds a visa, I presume this is simply "Yes, 1 child"?



47CH Form


Details a question about assets the child is bringing. For a 1 year old i presume that be left blank? Or should we list a token amount of savings?


Any help greatly received



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I did these forms for my son, we already had our 175 visas when these were granted. The forms are straightforward but weren't an easy fit for our circumstance, the approach we took was to explain the answers we gave. I can't recall whether I used a separate note or not or if there was a space on the actual form. Either way i recall putting "for question x we have included x information because...etc etc"


For 40ch we put we were permanent resident as that was the status of our visa even though we were outside oz and we put the date we validated our visa for that question (but explained it).


For 20 - basically you are "sponsoring" your child (this is a visa app in its own right not an add-on) so it's about showing that you will support them etc. (of course you will) I attached a statement about my husband having a job in oz and that we had savings etc. I attached some evidence of both of these.



Q30. Seems right to me.



47CH - I put details of a child isa thing we had but it had very little in it. I think provided you can show you can support the child then there is less onus on you also showing they have their own means.

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