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Advice needed


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Big of a long shot probably, but we are in a bit of a dilemma.


My Grandad has split with his long term partner of 42yrs. She is Australian born and bred with a lot of family around her. My Grandad however, migrated to Perth 43 yrs ago and hasn't got any family in Australia to help him.


They put the house on the market and it sold with 2 days. He was going to move in with us once we are settled over there, but we don't fly out until September.


Things have all got a bit messy over there and he has no-where to live at the moment. Her family are trying to put him in a home which he isn't ready for. There's not a lot I can do for him beng in England at the moment. I am concerned for his welfare and although I have left my contact details for his social worker, and spoken to various hospital staff, I feel my hands are tied.


Has anyone else experienced anything similar with loved ones being so many thousands of miles away and have any advice?


Just to confirm that the reason I am so close to my Grandad and why I want to help him so much is because my Dad (his son) is no longer with us and since my Dad died, my Grandad and I have been so close even though we're miles apart. Hence, I want to do the best I can for him!


At the moment he's stuck in a hospital when he's not unwell, just because he his ex won't have him back in the house before the sale completes.


There is a meeting taking place tomorrow between the social worker, and hospital staff to decide what to do with him!



Any help/advice will be greatfully appreciated.



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HI, I am really sorry to hear that awful news. I am a Social Worker and family input into assessments is essential and friends I have in Oz (who are Social Workers) have said the same applies in Oz. I would email the Social Worker and any other professional (health etc) involved in his care and make it clear your opinions on the situation, the facts and what you think should happen/needs to happen.


Given that you are going out in September it is a reasonably short period of time. As he has lived in Oz for so long, he should be entitled to housing etc from state - even temporary accommodation until you get there and he can live with you.


Very sorry and good luck, I hope it all works out, My thoughts are with you and your grandad.

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Thank you both for your kind replies.


I have spoken to the ward clerk at the hospital today. Feeling very positive regarding the outcome of the meeting that has been held today also. Am speaking to his social worker in the morning to go through the details in more depth. The good thing is that I am officially down as his next of kin now, so we can help with the best arrangements for him and I will be informed of any decisions along the way.


I suggested somewhere warden assisted to my grandad today and he was much happier. He's not ready to lose his independence just yet. Hubby has spoken to a real estate agent regarding a particular property for a short term lease, which sounds perfect for him.


Am feeling much better today. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.


Thanks guys,



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  • 4 weeks later...

HI Jon and Tracey just realised you arrived in the last couple of day:-)) I hope everything is going well and I bet your Grandad is chuffed to see you all, give us a call if you need help or just for coffee xx

Lovely weather for you all in the last few days, enjoy the start of your new life,


Laney xxxx

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