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Advice for those of us heading to Oz without a job or job offer.. any success stories in 2012?

Mike D

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Hi Everyone


I have 18 months left to emigrate to Australia (Melbourne or Brisbane) on a 175 visa, heading over on my own with about A$25-30k start up money.


All my feedback from recruitment consultants and job agencies in Oz this year has been that my field in IT (data/systems analyst) is now completely saturated so if i head out i will need to look for something else (i'm at the back of the queue now - no aussie based experience or qualifications, not an aussie citizen, very small network of contacts etc).


So, i'm trying again as i put a similiar post up at the beginning of the year and didn't get any success stories (and would assume this sort of thread would be useful for many others in the current climate).


Has anyone else just headed over without a job or job offer in 2012 and had any success finding good office based work or something similiar?

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Hi Mike

Sorry nothing to say about your work situation, but maybe about your timing of the post. I may be well off the mark here but my theory is in what time of day you post. Yes some people will trawl thru posts but others just look at most recent. So say you want replies from Oz, if you post evening time uk they are asleep and by the time they get up your post may have been hidden quite away in the depths of the forum. I now try to time my posts as to which side of the world i would like an answer. At the moment my oh is in Oz so when i get home from work in the afternoon and skype him he is talking from his bed. Only my theory though.

Best of luck

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I think 10:15pm is about right for responses from Oz, perhaps a bit later would be good too. 10-11pm is late enough that there won't be any more posts in the UK as everyone is going to bed and there won't be any posts in Oz because everyone had been in bed and are then just getting into work at 7-8am and having a quick check of PIO before getting down to it.


Anyhow, I came here without a job in October 2010 and was looking at electronics engineering. I just went through all the newpapers, local leader and recruitment websites (seek.com.au etc) and applied for everything closely related, plus a few other odd jobs (like furniture removal) in case I didn't get something straight away. My current job is very similar to what I was doing in the UK, just my company leaves a lot to be desired!

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Thanks all for your responses - 2 threads and no response with a successful story from someone who headed out this year without a job and found one. I think that speaks for itself. Many thanks again.

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