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Epworth Healthcare Melbourne


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Fiona

well done on your offer there are a couple of us now 3 including you on here that have offer and we are keeping in touch as we pass the months and make plans. Where did u have your interview?

there was a about to qualify girl before me in Manchester

Anyway pm me if you want to be included in our planning discussions lol things like areas to live schools cost of shopping etc and any other updates from epworth

I am going over on a reccie for 3 weeks in Sept and should be visiting hospital to see progress

5 weeks today til flight!!!

mem :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello, everyone Im new to this forum so apologies for gatecrashing this thread. I too have been made an offer at Epworth. I am a newly qualified mental health nurse. :0)

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Hello, everyone Im new to this forum so apologies for gatecrashing this thread. I too have been made an offer at Epworth. I am a newly qualified mental health nurse. :0)


Hi Sticky,

Whereabouts are you from? Will you be moving with your family?

I too am newly qualified...excited but terrified at the same time! Have you got a job until you go?

I have been tearing my hair out looking at suburbs, etc. Driving me mad!

Hear form you soon, feel free to PM me.


Fiona x

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Hi Memmy, thankyou for the welcome :0)

How exciting, I'm just wondering about schools etc as I have a little one. So we would need to rent somewhere that is close to work and also close to a school.


Please let us know what you think of the different areas etc and also if you visit the hospital.


I Wish you a safe journey, take care

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ladies well just a quick update met with Kate today and tommorrow she is taking me to see the hospital site and also for a look around some areas she would recommend to live - all the ones I had considered she says don't go there! Impressions of Melbourne so far hmmm very much like London got that same vibe but not as hectic and it seems expensive especially for chocolate and sweets most brands over $2 per bar today we had 2 small kids shakes and 1 reg and came to almost $17 also saw a milky way bar with 20p printed on wrapper on sale for $1.10

Anyway hope you are all good will update you after seeing hospital


Make sure you all join the teamGB Facebook page Kate sent mails out today let's see how many more of us there are

Mem x

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Hi Mem, thankyou so much for taking the time out to post this information. It is appreciated :0)

Hope you are having a lovely time out there as well as the factfinding.


Take care,

sticky xx

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Hi, thanks for getting back to me, the wife isnt finished till Aug 2013 then the visa and pin application so we are looking at feb 2014. Sounds really exciting, hope it is as good as my wife believe it will be...... can you give me the link for the page would be good for her to communicate with you all once you have arrived. Think she is in communication with Kate at Austrahealth at mo, will be a while for us but EXCITING times...... :)

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its a closed group so don't think you would be able to see posts or members not sure what the privacy settings are, Kate is admin and approves all requests so if your wife is in touch with her best to ask Kate for access. Feel free to keep in touch with me though happy to pass any experiences and knowledge on to you guys


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