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Help with 176 visa form pleeeeeeaaaaasssseeee!!


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Hi everyone,


I posted this on the 176 lodged June gang too so sorry if you've seen it before.


We are half way through our 176 form and have got to the point when it asks if you or anyone on the visa has every been to Australia before. Well both me and hubby have but haven't got our old passports any more so don't know the date the visa was issued (one was tourist one was working holiday) or the visa reference numbers. You can't get past the screen without entering the date, if we put the date we travelled would that be okay? Don't want to get accused of fraud!!


Have contacted UK Passport Agency who basically said you have to send a request for information which could take 40 days and they didn't really confirm that they would have it then either!


Thanks for any help.


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my agent said an approximation is fine in most cases - to be honest who remembers what they did yesterday let alone 10 years ago. They also said they are particularly interested if a visa is still active as you cant have 2 at once apparently...

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