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What happens at the other end? (Shipping)

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Hi forum,


Just starting to look at shipping costs. What happens when stuff gets to the other end? Can you specify delivery to a certain address? And if your stuff arrives before you (or you don't know your address yet) - do they store it for you somewhere and then deliver to your new gaffe?


Yet to become a migrating expert on this one!





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Your best bet is to contact some shipping companies and discuss directly with them. They will have different procedures depending on if they use an agent (another company, not their own) over there or if they are an international shipping company etc.


They won't just store your container contents for you free of charge. You'd have to arrange it properly with them and pay for storage. And you would need to arrange with the company re the delivery address and so on.


You really are best off checking with the companies, getting them to give quotes and seeing what their quotes include for the price.

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I went with PSS. I gave them the address of our temporary accommodation so that they would have something. Then, as soon as I had a more permanent address I contacted them (we went with shipping at the last moment from UK and doing without on the Aus side). They then sent a letter to the permanent address once they had confirmed docking details of the container. That letter had a form in it to be returned - they gave me two options: send to 'x' address (I could insert whatever address I wanted as long as it was within Canberra where I had paid for it to be taken)as soon as it was cleared by customs and quarantine OR store for 'x' fee at until 'x' date.


As said above though, I assume each shipping company will have its own rules and way of doing things so I would make sure I ask the question from the company you choose to use. The above is a starting point though.....

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