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New Years Resolution....What will your be????


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Debbie Bum Cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO

we're all finally connected no more you know whatting!!! he he. My new years resolution should be "cutting down on chocolate" but theres really no pint because i wont stick to it... at least i'm honest.

What are you doing for new years eve?. Chrsitmas day was yuk because we ended up at you know where, even though my wonderful husband told me he'd sorted it, but boxing day was nice because we went to Kay and Johns too long to explain connection but will bore you with it when i see you.

What about your gorgeous boys...did they have a good one?

Have you booked your tickets to the F1 yet?

Talk soon



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oh my nora.. when will i ever get use to this!!! i meant to say..."oops i should check my spelling before i made a post.. I should have wrote point and not pint". its a good job you know me so well!!!




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Guest Serenity

My new Years resolution is to try to be more positive. Sometimes I let the little things get me down adn I really shouldn't. Life could be a lot worse and I should make the most out of now.

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Guest billy braveheart

well mine is to be awake after 9 pm during the week as im getting fed up of my kids telling me at 8.30 that "dad" its bed time

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well mine is to be awake after 9 pm during the week as im getting fed up of my kids telling me at 8.30 that "dad" its bed time

mines will be to phone billy braveheart at ten at night and get him out his bed

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Guest claire&fred

Mine is to return to Weightwatchers for the 6th time but go to a different meeting as I do not think I will be allowed back to the morning one, as I am living proof it does not really work so makes the leader look like she is not doing her job properly.


Just finished another box of Terrys chocs, pants too tight, bra bulging in all the wrong places, have not seen my feet for years so that is my resolution to lose weight, again. Oh and to stop emailing my agent paranoid emails about our emigration.



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Guest afiyafifi

mine is to pass my driving test and get more healthy . no more mac donalds for me well may be one a day lol. no seriously i do need to get more healthy ...karen

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Guest Working to fish

Mine is to teach the missus how to multitask and also learn to breathe in at all times when wearing my speedos in oz.:biglaugh::biglaugh:


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Just been sat here thinking that as Christmas is over, we now have to start planning for New Year....and not only does that mean big party time but also New Years Resolutions.


What will your be??


My New Years Resolution is to stop smoking!!


Deb xx



I'm copping a lot of flak from family, friends, and former work colleagues for being Mr Nice Guy.................... they keep telling me to stop being Mr Nice Guy.................. come January 1st that is it ......................... NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY............. but I'm from Preston and it's in our nature to be a soft touch?


I can't see me starting this resolution............. yet alone breaking it?

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Guest afiyafifi
Mine is to teach the missus how to multitask and also learn to breathe in at all times when wearing my speedos in oz.:biglaugh::biglaugh:



Eddie did you not know that women were born to multi task its men that need to learn lol. eddie you really shouldnt put pics of your self on photobucket beach.gif ...kAREN

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