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I'd be very grateful if anyone could help with this query please.

We have a CO and medicals have been requested - the email says to 'respond within 28 days' - does this mean the medicals actually have to be done within 28 days or is it ok to have just booked them if this will be beyond the 28 day deadline?

I have tried twice now to book with Medimigration in Manchester but the receptionist says she can't do this on the info I am providing =the TRN and a HAPid for each of us - what else can we possibly provide??


Hoping for a speedy response please from someone who understands all of this!


Many thanks

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Go do them at Spire then - we went on Saturday - only booked last week Tuesday - they have evening and Saturday appointments available and there's not much of a waiting list, and all you need is your TRN and payment. The whole process was efficient and they were very well organised, and it's the same price as Medimigration.


Can't help you with your actual question, but wouldn't waste any time that you don't have to!

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