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Anyone Living in Gold Coast / Coomera?

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Hi All,


My lovely wife and I (29 & 30) will be moving to Coomera in the Gold Coast at the beginning of July this year. Does anybody already live there who can let us know what the area is like? Decent walks, pubs etc? Would be great to get to know about the area and maybe meet up for a drink with some fellow Brits?

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Hi, my husband and I ( 28 & 31) have just moved to Ormeau on the Gold Coast ( 2 weeks on Thursday). Not too sure about Coomera, but really close to Ormeau. They have taverns instead of pubs. There are cycle tracks & walks everywhere.... Would like to meet up with some fellow Brits....:-)

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Wow! It's great to see some people in a similar situation to ourselves fresh from Blighty living in the GC area. It would definitely be great to all meet up! We arrive in the first week of July so don't know the local area at all yet but open to suggestions :-)

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Guest The Walkers

Hey guys,


My wife and I (33 And 30) are more than up for welcome drinks. If at all home sick ;-) there is a great English themed pub just 20 mins from coomera called the fox and hounds, which serves great beer and great food and is celebrating "Xmas in July" every wkend through July. If up for it, We could book something for late July (say 28th or 29th) so would be suitable for Stevenem also? If settled and fancy catching up before end of July let us know. Coomera is a good base, plenty of ex-pats around to help u with local knowledge.

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Hi Guys,


The Fox and Hounds Xmas in July sounds brilliant! We arrive on the 5th July but I don't know what shifts I'll be working in my new job yet until I start on the 10th but will confirm when I know. We are definitely up for meeting! How long have you guys lived in the GC? Everyone seems really friendly and sociable on here :-)


Dan & Ali

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Guest The Walkers

Lived and work on the gc for just over three years now, well technically we now live just south in NSW (not as far as it sounds ;) ), I was originally from Yorkshire and my wife from Scotland... So a good change ;) you must be hyped been so close in the lead up to the move! Have you been to oz or the gc before? What do you do for a living? Is this a permanent move for you both.

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I'm originally from Manchester and Ali is from Barrow-In-Furness but we both currently live in Banbury. Ali is a secondary school teacher and I work in television post production. What do you guys do for a living? We will be emigrating out on our permanent resident visa's so hoping to call the Gold Coast home :-) We actually met in Australia so we have both previously been to the Gold Coast as dreaded backpackers lol! We are getting really excited now with it being so close but as you can imagine there is so much still to sort out! I'm sure that all the stress will be worth it when we are burning our feet on Aussie sands :-)

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Guest HanandAd

Hi, Just joined this site and saw your thread. My husband and I moved to GC 3 months ago with our 3 year old daughter. We are originally from Essex. Were currently living in Merrimac which is further south, about 25 -30mins from Coomera. Everything going ok so far, my hubby is working locally but may have to start travelling to Brisbane in future so we may end up moving to Coomera or around that area. Would be great to meet up with some fellow Brits sometime. Such a fantastic place to live.

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I would say its probably fairest to do it in the afternoon? That way you could get the little nipper tucked up at his/her normal time?


sorry it has taken me so long to come back to you, Little one has been in hospital and I could not find this thread again! Anyway afternoon sounds great. We will be borrowing my bros car so transport is sorted. Do we need to book? I had a look on line and it looks good.

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Guest Ozcats1

Hi, we arrived in Burleigh Heads, Gold Coast 3 weeks ago, originally from South Yorks.

We would love to meet up with fellow expats but have no transport til our car arrives end July.If anyone is visiting our neck of the woods please let us know.

Coffee, or drinks/meal would be great.

We are late 40's, no kids, enjoy a drink and meals out, BBQ etc.

We are job hunting currently, mortgages/banking for me, Sara is a Management Accountant.

Cheers, Ian & Sara

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Hi All,


Sorry for the delay in reply, we havn't been on PIO in a while ... final hectic weeks of packing and goodbye parties!


Stevenem, sorry to hear that your little one has been unwell, I hope that he is OK. We have just been on the Fox and Hounds website also, it looks really nice. I'm not sure if we would have to book either but it looks quite popular so it might be best.


We are still up for for meeting if everyone else is?


Dan & Ali

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Guest The Walkers

Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence! Yeah we will need to book the fox and hounds... Can I suggest Sat 21/7, I know I suggested the wkend after previously... However forgot we had a prior engagement :-s. Ozcats (Ian and Sara), if you're interested, more than happy to pick you up on the way if your car has still not arrived? Have a safe journey all!

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Guest Ozcats1

Hi The Walkers and thanks for the message.initial disappointment when we saw the proposed July 21 date turned to happiness at your kind offer of a lift! Our car is expected "late July" but may take 2 weeks to clear customs, so we would struggle to make it.A lift would be great, we r more than happy to chip in for petrol. We are on the esplanade, just before north burleigh surf club, we could arrange to meet on the gold coast highway as that would be easier for you.there's a macdonalds nearby which may be a good place to rendezvous. Let us know what u think. We look forward to meeting you and everyone else that can make it.Happy Christmas!

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Guest The Walkers
Hi The Walkers and thanks for the message.initial disappointment when we saw the proposed July 21 date turned to happiness at your kind offer of a lift! Our car is expected "late July" but may take 2 weeks to clear customs, so we would struggle to make it.A lift would be great, we r more than happy to chip in for petrol. We are on the esplanade, just before north burleigh surf club, we could arrange to meet on the gold coast highway as that would be easier for you.there's a macdonalds nearby which may be a good place to rendezvous. Let us know what u think. We look forward to meeting you and everyone else that can make it.Happy Christmas!


Hey guys, in Burleigh now for lunch, drop us a PM with ur mobile no if u get this and are free in next couple of hours

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ozcats1

Hi, is Saturday still on? It seems to have gone a bit quiet.

It would be great to meet everyone and celebrate Christmas!

Cheers, Ian & Sara

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Hi all. Sadly I think Ali and I aren't going to be able to make this one as I haven't been paid on time and as such we don't have a car as the hire car went back last week and we are on foot :-/


We would love to meet up if you guys decide to do another meet I the future.


I think the Walkers still sound pretty keen?


All the best, apologies and best wishes from Dan & Ali.

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Guest Ozcats1

Hi guys,

sorry to hear Dan & Ali can't make it, hopefully we can fix something else up soon that you can get to.

We still don't have our car, so can only make it if The Walkers are able to give us a lift!

If the event does not go ahead, we would still be up for drinks / eats on Saturday, provided its on a bus route from Burleigh / Miami.

Anywhere near GC highway should be ok. Please PM us if anyone wants to get in touch.

it will be a pity if nothing happens on Saturday as we were really looking forward to meeting up.



Ian & Sara



Hi all. Sadly I think Ali and I aren't going to be able to make this one as I haven't been paid on time and as such we don't have a car as the hire car went back last week and we are on foot :-/


We would love to meet up if you guys decide to do another meet I the future.


I think the Walkers still sound pretty keen?


All the best, apologies and best wishes from Dan & Ali.

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We have only just arrived and dont think we can make it. Its a little too soon to be taking the little one out Im trying to get his body clock adjusted. We also dont have transport yet but are working on it. Put us down for the next meet up maybe something in August so we have time to plan etc?

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Guest The Walkers
Hi guys,

sorry to hear Dan & Ali can't make it, hopefully we can fix something else up soon that you can get to.

We still don't have our car, so can only make it if The Walkers are able to give us a lift!

If the event does not go ahead, we would still be up for drinks / eats on Saturday, provided its on a bus route from Burleigh / Miami.

Anywhere near GC highway should be ok. Please PM us if anyone wants to get in touch.

it will be a pity if nothing happens on Saturday as we were really looking forward to meeting up.



Ian & Sara


Hey Ian & Sara,


Will give you a call this morning to arrange today as we're still keen.


Scuba Dan,


We can pick you guys up also on the way to Fox and hounds if you like... please let us know if you're up for it via return, please PM us with your mobile No.





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Hi guys, thank you for your kind offer, if its not too far out of your way and you're sure that you have enough room then we would love to still come (and of course we will chip in for fuel) . However, If it is a bit of a pain then don't worry, we will definitely catch you guys on the next one.


Please PM us for our phone number


We are living on Catalina Way, Upper Coomera 4209 but can walk somewhere easier to meet you if you like?


All the best.


Dan & Ali

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Hi guys, yes we are on Catalina Park and liking it so far. Where about are you guys living? We had a great time on Sat, you guys should definitely come to the next one. I hope you're all settling in well. Speak to you soon. Feel free to drop us a line or give us a call any time.


Dan & Ali

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