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Here Goes! - Organising Documents For Partner Visa (Subclass 309)

Miss Swan

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Ok here's a brief overview of my relationship and a list of relationship evidence I intend to send in. I would love to hear comments on my list and advice on what I could provide further. This forum has been so helpful. Thanks in advance! And feel free to ask anything that you don't understand.


Partner and I knew each other through Facebook in Dec 2007, hit it off very quickly, met in person in Feb 2008 and have been together ever since. He's an Aussie citizen, I'm a Singapore citizen (sorry for hijacking I know this forum is for poms!). He's under Centrelink's Carer scheme - means he can't work and looks after his disabled mum full time and Centrelink gives him some money every fortnight to help with his expenses. I'm the one flying over most of the time. I've visited him at least 10 times, ranging from 1 week to the max 3 months on tourist visa. And when I add the total contact time I had with him, we're looking at 8 months. We don't co-own or co-lease anything because house and family car is under his mother's name.


We made plans to marry but partner's mum is a traditional Asian lady and wants her older son to be married first before we can marry. Partner's brother married in July 2011 so now we're preparing for our turn :) He proposed in Feb 2012 and we're looking at registering our marriage in Brisbane in 1-2 months time. I've sent off the NOIM and waiting for partner to receive it and book a date with the marriage registry.


List Of Documents I Intend To Send (Subclass 309):

I won't mention the mandatory documents like forms, certified/notarised copies of personal documents.

- Marriage cert, of course :)

- 3 stat decl from his dad, mum and sis

- 2 stat decl from my very close friends

- Itemised monthly mobile bills of mine from 2009 to present (partner uses prepaid so he doesn't have bills)

- Emails between partner and I, between friends and I talking about my partner, between his mum and I

- MSN chat records from 2007 to present (I won't print all, maybe 1 page per month as I've read that the CO is not interested in the chat content, but the regularity of it)

- Itemised Skype call records in 2009

- Copies of my passport showing entry/exit immigration stamps to show my visits to Australia

- E-tickets and boarding passes (I didn't think to keep all my boarding passes at the initial stage hence they're not looking very complete and that's why I was hoping my passport pages showing immigration stamps will fill up the gaps)

- Photos of us, with his family, with our friends, at his brother's wedding (40 pages of them!)

- 1 wedding card invitation from my friend in 2009 showing both our names

- 1 wedding invitation card from partner's brother inviting me to his wedding

- 1 Amazon.com delivery advice showing my name and partner's address (I ordered something from Amazon)

- 1 medical invoice from the district clinic showing my name and partner's address (I fractured my toe)

- 1 registered enveloped showing my name and partner's address (but no date captured on it)

- 2 registered enveloped showing my name and partner's address, dates captured as 2009

- 4 bus tickets when we took the bus

- 13 sets of movie ticket stubs from Oz and Singapore

- 3 Singapore post office receipts (I sent his mum gifts)

- 2 tickets from a circus performance

- 2 tickets from Singapore Zoo

- 2 tickets from Night Safari Singapore

- E-statement of ANZ joint bank account showing both our names on it (and what little of it is there lol)

- 4 bank statements showing money transfers from him to me in 2011

- 2 bank statements showing money transfers from me to him in 2012

- 1 hotel invoice in 2010 with both our names on it when we went to Sydney

- 1 Brisbane hotel invoice in 2012 with his name on it (that was where he proposed)

- 1 card statement showing I paid for the hotel bill

- 1 engagement ring invoice with his mum's name and address on it

- 1 card he wrote to me when he sent me flowers

- 1 receipt from a computer store in Singapore where I bought him games for his PS3

- My card statements directed to his Oz address in 2009-2010

- My insurance statements directed to his Oz address in 2009

- My bank statement showing I can support myself if need be

- Income tax statement and copies of employment contract showing my ability to be employed

- Screenshots of Facebook announcement of our engagement and the stream of congratulatory comments that follow it


What I plan to do after we get married:

1) Add partner's name to my insurance policy (he has none on his end)

2) Write a will adding him as my beneficiary (not sure if he has to write one, I'd rather he doesn't because he doesn't have much assets at the moment)


Sorry for such a long post..the journey to migration is such a nail-biting process! If you can think of any other documents not in the list that will help my application, please do share with me!

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A couple of observations:


You are advised not to send 40 pages of photographs - just a representative sample, as they don't prove anything other than you posed in a photograph..

Unless the zoo tickets or cinema ticket stubs have both your names on it will be pointless sending them, as they don't prove anything.


Same goes for sending anything that doesn't have your names on.

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nimhug: Singapore


Peach: I'll look through the photos and see which ones I can remove. We all have that mindset that more is better than less!


I understand your point about the tickets but that's the best I can do.. at least I took pictures at the zoo so there's some form of match between the tickets and photos. If I remove some photos and the ticket stubs, does the rest of my list still look healthy?

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Don't get me wrong, it is a great list and if you can tie tickets to events with photographs that makes a whole lot of sense - but by themselves they don't mean much. It sounds like you have by far enough evidence. :)

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Thanks Peach! I do hope so too! I can't do anything much about the movie tickets - can't be taking pictures of us in the cinema, can I? I don't have pictures for Night Safari though because it's a night zoo and photos taken at night usually turn out horrible :P


I know my list looks very extensive but really, they're pieces of scattered evidence - I just hope the CO will view them as sufficient. This forum has made me realise that I shouldn't be complacent. Quite a number of couples on this forum have submitted heaps of evidence, some are married and have kids, and yet the CO comes back saying sorry this isn't enough, you need to provide further evidence. I'd be crushed if this happened to me, because as a long distance relationship couple, there isn't much we can do in terms of joint bills. Furthermore, every self respecting partner would reject his partner's offer of contributing to the bills when that partner isn't living under the same roof (and anyway in our case, it's my partner's mother who takes care of the utility bills). I've explained all these in my relationship testimonial, so I really hope the CO will view my application with an understanding eye.

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Can any kind soul tell me how to organise the above list? I know how to group the emails, chat conversations, bank transfers, mobile bills, but how do I go about organising/grouping one-off documents like the ring invoice, medical invoice and registered envelopes? Do I group them under the category 'Documents That Bear My Name And Partner's Address"?


What about the post office receipts for gifts I sent to my partner and his mum? Is that a separate category: 'Gifts Mailed To Partner & Mum'?

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