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Help! Proving The Financial & Household Aspects in Partner Visa

Miss Swan

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If anyone can give practical advice over here, I'd be very very appreciative! I'm been so distressed (and stressed) over this matter that it's affecting my mental state.


I'm looking to apply for the Offshore Spouse Visa (subclass 100) pretty soon. What is perplexing me is the following criteria, taken from DIAC:


Financial aspects

Evidence will be required that you and your partner share financial commitments and responsibilities,


• evidence of any joint ownership of real estate or other major assets (for example, cars, appliances)

and any joint liabilities (for example, loans, insurance); now the house is under his mum's name and is fully paid up (it's an old house and they've lived in it for the past 25 years). Same goes for family car (brother bought it as a gift to the mum)

• sharing of finances;

• legal commitments that you and your partner have undertaken as a couple; I can't see what legal commitments we can take up unless we actually live together as husband and wife

• evidence that you and your partner have operated joint bank accounts for a reasonable period of

time; we do have a joint bank account but very little in it

• sharing of household bills and expenses the mum takes care of all the grocery utility bills


The nature of the household

You will be asked to provide evidence that you and your partner share responsibilities within your household, including:

• your living arrangements;

• a statement outlining the basis on which responsibility for housework is distributed;

• joint ownership or joint rental of the residence in which you live; same as above

• joint utilities accounts (electricity, gas, telephone); same as above

• joint responsibility for bills for day-to-day living expenses;

• joint responsibility for children; no kids

• correspondence addressed to both you and your partner at the same address I did attention my bank statements and a few other correspondences to his home address but they were all destroyed by the 2010 QLD flood :(


So as you can see, there's no opportunity for us to co-own, co-lease or co-share anything because we've been in a long distance relationship for the past 4.5 years

Can anyone suggest how will DIAC look at this because I see major holes in these 2 categories!


Now the next big question is, my partner is on Centrelink's Carer's Pension, as he looks after his disabled mother full-time. What documents can he provide on his end? There is a HUGE hole in providing supporting documents when putting him down as my Sponsor.


I have no problems proving the relationship aspect (how committed we are and how our family/friends have celebrated our relationship) and providing all evidences of dating (photos, mobile bills, emails, skype/msn chats, flight itineraries, etc).


It's been so nerve-wracking trying to see how I can get past those 2 categories, so if anyone can provide some concrete advice, that would be so helpful!

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Well it doesn't really sound like you qualify for this visa then?


I was perturbed by the statement that you don't see how you can provide certain things "unless you live together as man and wife" well that is the whole point of the partner visa, that you do live together as man and wife. This is not a visa for people that are dating.


If you are thinking of getting married, the prospective marriage visa might be the better option for you. This is a temporary visa and you do need to get married within 9 months.


I definitely would not recommmend that you lodge an application for this visa without running your case past a migration agent, it could be a costly error.

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