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Relocating from Qld to Perth.

Cheeky Rascal

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Hi All,


I'm new here so please be patient with me.

My OH and I moved here (QLD last year and have already decided that it's not the place for us.) I have my sights set on Perth since I spent almost a year there back in 2000 as a backpacker. From what I remember it has a little of everything for every-one, great night life, great family city, beautiful suburbs and of course, the surrounding towns and cities.


So, that was some 12 years ago, I'm looking to find out about nice places to live in and around Perth. What are the schools like? (I return as a different person, I'm now a mum of 2)

I see that Employment rate is healthy there so and very confident that my OH will find work relatively easily.


I've looked on realeastate.com.au at houses for rent/sale. And my mind boggles, where to even start looking..


Any opinions about the housing, areas, amenities would be greatly received.


Thanks in advance. :cool:

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I can't speak for all of QLD as we're not in the major cities here (up near Townsville) Our general feel of the place is that it is about 30 years behind. It's very beautiful, there's plenty to do and lots of opportunities work wise. But I find the schooling a little old fashioned, their attitudes towards things like safety just aren't what I'm used to (But then I do accept that I am from blame culture, nanny state UK) The transport system is non existent so having a car is a must. (NOT like in Brisbane)

We just don't feel that this town in particular is where we want our children to grow up, but like I said, we don't live in the Cities. Maybe we would feel differently if we lived in Brisbane.. but the education system is still in the process of being modernised here and is still currently, quite dated.


BUT, please don't take what I say as gospel, this is just my opinion of North/mid QLD. Talk to people in Brisvegas and Sunshine coast and I guaruntee they'll tell you it's amazing :o)


Where in QLD are you headed?

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Certain things you mention, I feel similair to you about here in WA


We would holiday first, look around the gold coast & sunshine coast....It may be that we still dont feel we could settle in Australia for the long term & would then consider a move back to the Uk


Its alot to think about, with 4 kids to consider

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I think if you're going to the more built up areas where the Gorvernment are investing money, you'll find a very different QLD to the one I'm describing. We live in what is essentially, a city built for miners. It's a pretty sexist place here and I don't recall ever coming across this when I was backpacking Oz.


I've set my sights on Mandurah, it looks and sounds lovely there. Roughly where are you based?

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