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Family Sponsored 475 & SkillSelect


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I hope someone could please point me in the right direction. We will be applying for a 475 regional family sponsored visa. I understand the rules re state sponsorship and the new SkillSelect in that you will be invited to apply if you have SS (we have been told that the state will look for you in the system), but what happens if you are being sponsored by a family member. I cannot find out any info re the EOI and SkillSelect for this.


Any advice, greatly received. Thanks.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest ivan ipof

Hi there,


My understanding is that if you're occupation is on shedule 1 of the SOL, you can be sponsored by family. If you're on shedule 2, you have to have state/ territory nomination. My sister is in the latter position, she has two family members who are eligible to sponsor her in a designated area and in a regional growth area, but due to her occupation (Primary School Teacher) being on shedule 2, family sponsorship becomes irrelevant. i've spoken to the Department of Immigration twice about this to confirm and re-confirm it, but I recommend you hear it from the horses mouth, as such. We've been in Aus for 6 years and the hoops my sister is having to jump through just seems excessive. Good luck...it's worth the effort!

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