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Super annuation payment (DASP) lodged in New Zealand, re-enter Australia as tourist?

lucy xxxx

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I have been for 3 years in Australia now, 2 years on a 457 and the past year on a bridging visa with work permission. So basically I have worked 3 years but am leaving Australia now on or before the 30th of april (immigration gave me the 28 days to leave the country). I am planning to go to New Zealand for a week and then return to Australia on a tourist visa for three months to either organise a new employer to sponsor me on a 457 or to sell my assets and then leave.

However, I would like to claim my super while I am in New Zealand (the DASP). You can only do this while outside of Australia and when your visa has expired or has been cancelled. So for me a good time, while I am in NZ to do this.

I am just wondering, is it ok to come back on a tourist visa then after I lodged the request to claim my super back? Immigration does perform an Immigration status check, which means they check whether you have left the country or not and what visa you are on. They pass this on to the aTO who then assesse eligibility for the payment. I am worried that eventhough my 457 visa has expired and i applied for the super payment from outside Australia, the fact that I would be back in Australia on a tourist visa when immigration assesses my status, may make me not eligible to receive the payment.


Has anyone got experience with this? Can I be back on a tourist visa and still receive the payment? Can i give my australian address for the checqye to be sent to?


Thanks for any help!!!

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