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  1. Thanks so much Quoll, I was in haste - he will actually be turning 17 in September 2025! Yes I know re Jan - Dec, it’s not ideal timing but he has to finish his exams here in the July before we move. I’m an dual national with Aus / UK citizenship so no worries about the visa. Could you advise on his year groups if he is about to turn 17 when we arrive? Thanks!
  2. Hi wondered if anyone can help please, I cannot get my head around this! We're moving over to Sydney next Summer 2025 from UK and my son will have just finished his GCSEs. He will be turning 16 in the September. I understand he would enrol in Y11 in Aus school years but would be starting the Y12 curriculum as they will be off on study leave. My concern is whether starting without a full Y11 will this give him enough time to cover everything he needs for HSCs the following year. I plan to match his HSC choices with his GCSEs but they will of course be different content. If I enrol him in Y10, he'll be 19 when he finishes and that doesn't seem right! If anyone can shed any light on this I'd be super grateful, I've tried to contact schools but limited / not helpful responses so far. Thank you!
  3. Hi there, Not sure if this is the right thread but I'd be grateful for any advice! I'm a primary school teacher and looking to move to Sydney next year. I don't need a visa as I'm a dual national UK / Aus but do need accreditation with NESA to teach. Has anyone been successful in registering using the Northampton PGCE top...
  4. Hi there, Not sure if this is the right thread but I'd be grateful for any advice! I'm a primary school teacher and looking to move to Sydney next year. I don't need a visa as I'm a dual national UK / Aus but do need accreditation with NESA to teach. Has anyone been successful in registering using the Northampton PGCE top up course? As I understand it my teaching qualification which was through the GTP employment based route will not be recognised, despite having taught for 20 years and having a MA in special educational needs. I cannot get an answer from NESA as to whether they accept the PGCE top-up course (I know they do in WA and VIC) and I don't want to apply and pay for it until I know for sure. Any help would be gratefully received! Louisa
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