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Everything posted by LearnInOz

  1. I'm sorry to project my own anger, I feel for you - file a complaint, keep trying. If not... yes, a new EOI but I feel like if you reach an adult in the room, someone could help!
  2. They're questions I've considered. I've read of the struggles moving to Australia from others on the forums. I do understand the risks, while also accepting that there's simply no straight path to settling in Australia at the moment, even through a straight-forward visa application.
  3. Thanks. I suppose what I'm willing to pay will depend how strong my passion for living, working, and studying in Australia will be.
  4. Yes, I understood that, but if I were to have my visa granted for Australia while studying back home, I could transfer to Oz to continue studying as a permanent resident along with the benefits that come with it - as long as my credits transfer.
  5. Well said. Waiting to hear back from some universities in Australia to find out which overseas uni's they accept credits from. From there, I'll decide whether to start. Crazy times.
  6. Fingers crossed. I suppose it is still too "early" to expect movement.
  7. Thanks for your response. Both actually. I'm a skilled worker but lately, I'm pondering to go back to school, at least part time. To clarify, my PR application was lodged over two years ago. With the seemingly lack of interest in granting PR visas by the government, I'm starting to consider whether I should go ahead with applying for a student visa despite having a PR application lodged. That or study somewhere else and transfer university to Oz when the PR grant arrives - or simply wait for however many years that may be. The mind's a terrible thing to waste, as they say!
  8. Are there any specific visas to apply for in order to study in Australia while I wait offshore for a permanent residency grant? Or just the subclass 500 student visa? It may seem obvious to wait for my PR before studying, but having two years past already since I applied for PR, and at the current pace of skilled visa grants, it wouldn't surprise me if I have years more to wait. I was hoping to go back to school the end of this year or next. Never thought I'd still be waiting even after borders have opened and the pandemic has wained. I feel like I already know the answer and that is to wait, but I want to make sure I'm not missing something. Don't want to be delaying life anymore without reason. I plan to talk to a migration agent but wanted to see if anyone hear had ideas. Thanks!
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