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Posts posted by alexander5

  1. On 29/10/2021 at 16:08, Tulip1 said:

    I believe Paul answered this earlier in the post.  I am sure it was apply for the visa first and then straight away apply for the exemption.  The visa won’t to approved until the exemption is but if you apply for an exemption first it goes nowhere unless there’s a visa application in the system to attach it to.  I think you can’t apply until nearer the time, I’m sure I’ve read within  three months  of travel so best to wait until the new year. 

    Thank you @Tulip1. I will submit the visa application and exception followed by it,

  2. Hi all,

    I am trying to apply for visitor visa for my in-laws to bring them to Australia as we are expecting a baby in March 2022. My father-in-laws is retired and my mother-in-law was housewife. They do not have fixed deposit or any much in their bank account. They do own a home and a car - both on father-in-law's name.

    What kind of document should we submit to prove that he owns the home? The registration paper he has for the home is not in english. I was thinking of attaching recent electricity bill and the land tax paid for this year. Is that sufficient?

    I am sure some of you might have applied for visitor visa and attached documents for the assets. What kind of document is commonly attached for home asset? Which is accepted?

    Thank you!

  3. Hi all,

    I am in the same boat as well. I am applying for 600 visitor visa for my in-laws so that they can be here for the birth of our first child in March. I am confused still around the order in which we need to apply. Apply visa first, once visa granted, then apply exemption? Or apply exemption first, then once granted, then apply for visa? Or apply for visa and immediately apply for exemption without waiting for the visa grant.?

    I was thinking of applying for visa and once the visa is granted, then apply for exemption. The reason I was thinking that way was, we are not clear about the processing time for the visa application. It could be 1 month, or 3 months or 6 months. They also say not to apply for exemption more than 2 months before. So, i was thinking of waiting for applying exemption till the visa is granted. I see in this thread, that a 651 visa was rejected when they applied without exemption? Is my understanding correct? 

    Should I wait to apply for exemption till the visa is granted? Or should I apply for exemption as soon as the visa application is submitted? Could you please advice please.

    Thank you guys.

    All the best with the visitor visa applications.

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