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Everything posted by Poppy1

  1. Morning! Just another Pom with hopes to emigrate here. I’m hoping to get some advice (careers advice maybe?) on which direction to take my career in, to give me the best chances of emigrating. a little on me.. I’m a 28yr old female gardener, with 2 years experience (specifically in fruit and veg growing, some animal husbandry and beekeeping), with an RHS level 2 horticultural qualification and I have a pesticide spraying cert. I’m also going to aim to get a chainsaw cert. too. Essentially, I’m trying to ascertain which direction to go in next. I’d love to be able to apply for permanent residency, but I’m fully aware my combined experience and education as it stands probably won’t cut it. I’m open to studying further and specialising, I just don’t know which area of horticulture would be more desirable with emigration. Has anyone been in a similar position?
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