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Astra Australia Immigration

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Everything posted by Astra Australia Immigration

  1. Hey John, It isn't uncommon for cases to take up to 2 years and in asking around you'll see many people with varying degrees of processing times often, for no particular rhyme or reason. For example, we've seen an 820/801 approved 4 months from lodgement whereas other cases, lodged a year ago, are yet to progress. In the Budget released in Oct 2020, the Government announced they would allocate more resources to the onshore partner applications to help push the backlog through - hopefully, you and many others will start seeing this come to fruition. Other than that, your application is still within the Department's published processing times: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/partner-onshore If there's any particular concern you have on your case, get some recommendations from friends on a trusted Registered Migration Agent for relevant advice. Good luck! Regards, Josie Marr | MARN 1172798 Principal and Registered Migration Agent Astra Australia Immigration
  2. Hi there, Really tricky to answer this question without knowing what you're trying to do or having more details but, on first glance, you may fit into a science-related occupation? Here's the ANZSCO occupation page for science technicians which may be relevant: https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Product+Lookup/1220.0~2013,+Version+1.3~Chapter~UNIT+GROUP+3114+Science+Technicians If you're looking at employer sponsorship or skilled migration, the occupation will determine what options are available to you. It sounds like you're in the UK so, of course, our border restrictions are making things very difficult for people outside Australia to migrate here - the Department needs to be convinced why a travel exemption should be granted and furthermore, how their skillset is critical. As I say, it's a little to drill down on suitable occupations without having more information. I'd be interested to hear what other occupations are been floated. Good luck! Regards, Josie Marr | MARN 1172798 Principal and Registered Migration Agent Astra Australia Immigration
  3. Hi, VETASSESS can accept 20hrs as being 'full-time' but, this may depend on other factors which are difficult to explain without having a full understanding of your situation. I recommend booking a consultation with a Registered Migration Agent you trust, to get advice on how this will work in your situation. VETASSESS fees are in excess of $1000 if you're lodging in Australia so, you want to do everything you can to get it right the first time. Good luck! Regards, Josie Marr | MARN 1172798 Principal & Registered Migration Agent Astra Australia Immigration
  4. Hi Harsh, It's the obligation of your previous sponsoring employer to inform the Department of your employment ending. Visa condition 8607 means you can't cease work for more than 60 days. Given you aren't permitted to work for your new sponsoring employer until the nomination application has been approved, and you have already lodged that nomination application, it's unlikely (and unreasonable) for the Department to cancel your visa simply because their processing times have forced you to breach this condition. If you do find yourself yourself in a situation where the 482 visa has been cancelled, you will need to get expert advice from a Registered Migration Agent because the next steps will not be straight forward for discussion over a public forum. Your case will need to be carefully assessed and your options mapped out for you - not impossible but, not basic either. Based on your information I think you'll be fine but, if you have any questions feel free to reach out. Regards, Josie Marr | MARN 1172798 Principal and Registered Migration Agent Astra Australia Immigration
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