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Posts posted by Homesick1

  1. I wanted to get some advice from anyone who has recently returned to the UK or is thinking about a move during Covid. 

    My family & I moved out here 9 years ago and have gone back to visit our families every other Christmas. We have citizenship but I always imagined that we’d return sooner rather than later, but life takes over & we’ve always had a reason to stay (always based around what’s best for the kids). However, my partner & I are more homesick than ever & have decided that we need to stop making excuses & just head home whilst we still can (kids are 11 & 18 so can start high school & work/ further study over in the UK). They were on board at first as they wanted to be closer to family, but have since changed their mind. 

    The main problem is that our youngest has some amazing friends & is absolutely heartbroken at the mere thought of leaving them behind. She is doing amazingly well at school & has never had any friendship issues so we are naturally quite anxious about putting her into a the British secondary school system, especially during covid & Brexit! 

    We have spent years making excuses to stay based around my eldest’s education & we really wish we’d moved back when he was younger so we are determined not to make the same mistake again, but it’s so hard to turn life on its head when kids are so settled & happy. 


    Another complication is that we have a dog to take with us too. I’m really hoping to leave in the next four weeks but I’ve heard that transporting the dog can be a nightmare at the mo.

    Let me know about your experiences & how you coped with the changes. 

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