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Posts posted by rtritudr

  1. On 19/04/2024 at 06:24, rammygirl said:

    It is the airline he has to convince. They have no obligation to fly undocumented passengers. They also seem to be tightening up on this. 

    The airline is obliged to call the EOC in Canberra who will decide whether to allow the passenger who claims to be an Australian citizen to board or not.  The Entry Operations Centre operates 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

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  2. On 02/05/2024 at 05:02, Tulip1 said:

    Why not just apply for a UK passport and then many other things will be easier.  You don’t have to apply for citizenship, you already are a citizen.  Why can you not open a bank account? That’s nothing to do with being British, Australian or anything else.  You’ll need identification (you have your Australian passport) and you’ll need evidence of your address.  Ask your grandparent to phone up one of their utility suppliers (BT/Gas/Electric etc) and add you to their bill.  Then they need to ask for a bill to be sent out to them and it will include your name.  There you have it, your proof of address.  Just google how to find my NHS number or even ask a local doctors surgery if they know how. Not sure what you mean regarding your driving license.  A birth certificate is not evidence of identity.  It states that on it.  Good to have though and hopefully your mum still has yours.  If not, easy to get a replacement.  Local registers will help although probably all done online now so that’s another easy google search.  Add how to get a NI number to your google list.  I don’t think you have trouble, you just need to work through a simple tick list to get all what you need. Write a list and tick it off as you get it sorted.  Good luck. 

    If he's in the UK on the strength of his Australian passport, then banks are going to be weary about opening an account for him due to Anti-Money-Laundering laws.

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  3. On 09/04/2024 at 13:54, paulhand said:

    Then they have lied on their application forms … you are asked if you have other citizenships and what they are. Australia is not available from that drop-down box. 

    When I did the ETA last year the question was asking whether you had other passports as opposed to citizenship.

  4. 6 hours ago, Quoll said:

    With all due respects, how very inconsiderate (of all the passengers behind) and irresponsible of you. It's one of the responsibilities you take on as a citizen. OK you may get away with it once because you "didn't know" but one day you could come a cropper. Man up and get your passport! 

    It is not the responsibility of an Australian citizen to overpay for a piece of document that costs less than AUD50 to produce.  Perhaps you're happy to pay taxes for those super-expensive submarines but that's your choice, not mine.

  5. 19 hours ago, Blue Manna said:

    I would be surprised if they let you on the plane to Australia without an Australian passport.

    Worked for me with no issues.  Just a quick call to the back office at check-in to confirm my citizenship, and only a short delay in Sydney to be processed as an undocumented citizen.

  6. 1 hour ago, Marisawright said:

    As an Australian, you don't need a passport to enter Australia, because they're not allowed to refuse you entry.  However as you discovered, if you don't have a passport, they will faff you around for hours and it's really not worth the hassle.

    I'm more than happy to be faffed around if it means that I can save AUD500 which is the cost of an overseas Australian passport application.  My foreign passport only cost me AUD72.

  7. On 02/11/2013 at 03:26, newjez said:

    Why do they sell you water bottles in dubai transit and then take it off you when you try and get on the plane? I'm sure they just resell it to the next mug. Next time, I'll take an empty bottle on board with me and fill it from the dispenser.


    Because the people selling you the water may not realise that you're flying to Australia, where a secondary inspection is required by the Australian government and liquids are banned?

    Most people transiting in Dubai can take their water onto the plane.  For example, if you are flying from Australia to the UK then you can take your water onto the plane in Dubai.


    15 hours ago, Nemesis said:

    There have been cases (some n here) where Oz/UK dual citizens living in the UK have let their Oz passport expire, and they assume they can travel to Australia by getting a tourist visa. They can't. They need to renew their Oz passport.

    Canada and the US are the same, and there's a strong chance that the UK will be the same, when they introduce the ETA system over the next year or so, 

    Australian citizens can travel to Australia even without an Australian passport using the Undocumented Uplift mechanism.

    • Like 1
  9. Yes, you need to pay the $265 fee even though she's already a citizen by birth.

    The only exception would be when she previously had an Australian passport because the rules at the time didn't require a citizenship certificate for people in this situation.

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  10. 20 hours ago, kesk said:

    Is it difficult for someone who gave up Australian citizenship due to another country's dual-citizenship restriction, to resume Australian citizenship later?

    From the Immi website, the eligibility criteria seems straightforward:
    "you gave up or renounced your Australian citizenship so that you could acquire or retain the citizenship of another country" + standard character requirements.

    But are there any additional criteria or considerations before approval? Is there any discretion for Immi to reject an application?

    Otherwise in the extreme, what is stopping someone from renouncing and resuming citizenship multiple times?


    You need to wait at least 12 months after renouncing your Australian citizenship before applying for a resumption.

    Otherwise yes it may be possible to renounce and resume multiple times.

  11. 19 hours ago, Quoll said:

    I have a friend whose sister and brother in law claim to have got an ETA (twice in the past 3 years) even though they are citizens.  I have no idea how they have managed this - they live in Spain, so no idea if that has anything to do with it. I would imagine that they have been gone so long that their UK pp numbers would have changed at least once since they left. Hence my initial comment about the assiduousness of the checkers of such applications.

    Most ETA applications are presumably issued automatically with no human involvement as the visa is sent almost instantaneously.

    • Like 1
  12. 20 hours ago, Ken said:

    That's a very good question considering that the only penalties that seem to exist for lying on a visa application are not issuing or cancelling a visa and not allowing you to apply for another visa for 3 years (or 10 years in the case of a public interest criterion 4020 whatever that is).

    I don't think this would even meet the threshold for lying under the Migration Act.  As I said you could reasonably argue that as you did not hold any other valid passport you answered no to the question (not even a question really, just a button that says "add another passport").

  13. 20 hours ago, paulhand said:

    The observation that the question is poorly worded  doesn’t change the fact that an Australian citizen can’t legally hold a visa for travel to Australia. 

    So suppose that you managed to obtain an "illegal" visa as a citizen because of the poorly worded question which you have answered honestly as you do not hold a valid Australian passport, what possible sanctions could there be?

  14. 8 hours ago, paulhand said:

    It is not legally possible for an Australian citizen to hold a visa for Australia. You would need to lie on the 651 application as it won’t allow you to add Australian as a second nationality. There is no legal requirement for an Australian citizen to hold an Australian passport to enter Australia. You can either attempt an ‘undocumented uplift’ allowing plenty of time at the airport for the airline to call the ‘special number’ in Canberra or apply for an Australian Declaratory Visa (which, despite the name, is not actually a visa), but this would likely take longer than applying for a new passport. 

    While not the same as 651 I just checked the ETA app and there is no question about a second nationality, only a second passport.  So if you didn't hold a valid Australian passport, you could quite legally omit that information.

  15. 5 hours ago, InnerVoice said:


    This is good to know for future reference. Thanks for posting the process and outcome.

    So if you visit the USA as a tourist do you need to attend an interview in person to get a tourist visa these days?

    If you've been to a naughty country (e.g., Iran, Iraq or Sudan, but there are more) then you will need to apply for a visa and cannot use ESTA.  It will tell you that when you apply for the ESTA.

    • Haha 1
  16. On 16/01/2023 at 11:40, Ken said:

    The issue with the plane shot down by the Ukrainian rebels is that the Rebel government had announced to the world that they acquired a BUK missile system before the incident and had told airlines to stay clear. Many airlines were avoiding that airspace as a result. Malaysian did not - probably because that would have used a little more fuel (could possibly be because they listened to the Ukrainian government's denial that the rebels had any BUK missiles though). I'm happier with airlines that take the cautious approach.

    I'm pretty sure that Singapore Airlines was still using that airspace up until the shoot-down.  In fact there was a Singapore Airlines plane in the vicinity of the shoot-down at the time.  Would you avoid flying SIA as well?

  17. 6 hours ago, flatpack said:

    Australian citizens don’t need a visa so it’s cancelled. You should travel on an Aussie passport.

    My Mrs recently had to do an emergency dash to the Uk and didn’t have an Aussie passport. She was pulled aside on her return as she didn’t have a visa but a few quick checks and she was on her way within 5 mins

    Technically she still has a visa in the system (or rather her foreign passport number shows her as eligible for entry into Australia) as otherwise she would have been denied boarding.

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