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Posts posted by vixk1

  1. If we were successful at finding a sponsor, I know every employee is different but what can you usually expect or ask the employee to fund. For example would they potentially pay for your flight over? Would they pay for your family's flight? Health insurance? Schooling? Or should we not expect any of that? 

  2. I think you are right Marisawright, I just don't want to cause a negative impact on their life for our sake, it feels like such a risk. 


    I really appreciate your advice. Seeing as you have spent many years in Sydney, could you recommend a suburb that might be a bit easier to make friends?


    Kind regards

  3. After traveling around parts of Oz a few years back my husband and I are considering applying for a temporary skilled visa and relocating from England to Australia (potentially Sydney suburbs). I understand it will still be work, school etc and not a holiday but we are just tempted to have a bit of a different adventure, while we are still young enough to apply. Our current lifestyle is lovely and we are thankful for that.

    My main question is - We have a 2year old DD who would happily go wherever :) but we are just doubtful if it's really worth taking my DS 7 out of his current school and starting him at a new school in a completely different country just for 3/4 years? By the time he returns he could be moving up to secondary school and I'm concerned about reintegrating him.


    A permanent move doesn't hugely appeal to me as I am very close to my family here. I'd be really grateful of any advice.

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