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Everything posted by chooklady

  1. Hi Westy WIshing you lots of luck with the move. I lived in Adelaide for 6 1/2yrs (from age 26 - 32) and decided to come back to the UK in 2012, so I have been back just as long as I was out there I moved back mainly because I missed the UK and the greenery and the grey weather, strange as it sounds, the UK is home to me and the familiarity and feeling of belonging was really important. Although I have a big family who I am close to, they weren't the main reason. I don't have any children of my own, so I can't comment on that side of things. The UK defintely feels more gritty and less 'Perfect' than Australia, but to be honest I got fed up of living in 'The Truman Show'. Everything perfect, even the weather....but maybe that says more about me! I never moved there for the lifestyle, it was because i was adventurous and met an Aussie man (I could have ended up in South America, if that's where he was from!) Anyway, I agree with alot of what Amber said. The driving is better here, more polite and people let you out!! The diversity, culture is richer and more interesting, less americanised. Also you can come back to decent mayonnaise, decent gravy, proper bacon, hula hoops and not a sausage sizzle in sight! (Although there are a couple of Bunnings around) Welcome back to proper wit, sarcasm, the british obsession with the weather and people sitting out in the sun! Hurrah! I love it! Chooklady x
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