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Posts posted by AliQ

  1. 50 minutes ago, Larnie said:

    Hi All, please could I ask what travel insurance people got when moving abroad? I’ve looked at one way travel insurance but it says it’s not suitable for expats. I just need it to cover me for the flight over. Thanks in advance. 

    Hi Larnie, for one way we’ve always used Covermore (we only needed insurance for the actual journey & luggage though)

  2. 6 hours ago, ChristianScarborough said:

    I have the opposite situation after living in Perth for almost 20 yrs my best friend and I have decided to return to the UK, I think its when you get older we are almost 45 now and you want to be with your family as both of us have none here.  I would not say that my Australian life has been bad its been a struggle over the years. I have never used my Degree since I  have been here as the industry was non existent so always had to take average jobs with average pay. I work in aged care now and I see what you have to pay to get into a care facility average around $500,00 deposit  I dont want to grow old here and that's why we have  decided to return next year. You really have to weigh up the pros and cons in your situation. 

    Hi, as you say, weigh up the pros & cons, and in my opinion, seriously think about moving back because of “ getting older “ and for family, I don’t think that is always a justification to leave Australia, but I’m sure many will disagree.

    We also lived in Perth, for 28 years, and currently living in the UK for a “trial” we only left because we wanted a change in our lives, no other reason, and I also wanted to spend some time with my brother.

    Our experience of life in the UK is mixed. It’s not for us anymore, old or not. We’re returning to Aus 2020.


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  3. 34 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    Presumably you had documents with you to prove residence in the UK?   That's the thing that holds most people up.

    Hi, we were staying in a B&B at the time, but the bank accepted our UK passports and a document printed off from the HMRC website showing our NI numbers which had a UK address on it (used a relatives for that) and my husband was receiving a UK pension so that was another document that was accepted. We explained that we had just arrived so no fixed address.

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  4. 1 hour ago, RoundInCircles said:

    Thank you for your quick replies Quoll and Marisawright!


    Quoll - Yes, I do have an old expired UK Passport but, unless I misread, it stated "originals" were needed and had to show mother and father's details.  I scraped the application in the end so I'll have another go...apparently, you can't save and exit the application either...so, if it's not completed in one sitting then you have to start all over again...

    I'm most certainly treating it like an adventure...the next stage in my life's journey!...and there are no expectations that all will be as it was when I left in 1990.

    LOL I understand those feeling in the stomach!  Excited one minute...nervous the next...confident in my decision...then my conscience asking "...are you sure?"


    Marisawright - I know right?...heaps of admin ahead of me.  Right now, my plan is to be back in the UK by the end of July (if not earlier)...so, I've made a start now - bring it on!...I'm so keen to get there and get back to my family!


    Many regards...

    Hi RoundInCircles, just curious, have you been back to the UK since you left in 1990 ?

    We also left the UK back in 1990, it’s a long chunk of your life to leave behind. We’re on our second “trial” of trying to settle back in the UK but it’s not for us anymore.

    I wish you well and good luck with your plans, once you get started it will all fall into place for you.


    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Vickie78 said:

    Apparently all you need to do is set TV region to Germany and it will work in Australia? 

    I’ve heard that too. Sony told me though that “that work around” does not always work. It depends where you live in Australia and the type of transmitters used in that area etc. I’m not risking it and wasting money to ship, I’ll buy a new one when we get there. Also, I’m not that tech savvy so not going to mess around with ‘top boxes” etc etc.

  6. On 22/12/2019 at 01:14, Red Rose said:

    Hey guys did you ship or sell your smart TV’s. Also will TV’s bought in Oz (mine is a Samsung) work in the UK?

    We’re in the UK returning to Aus 2020, so going the other way. We have a brand new smart Sony TV.
    I emailed Sony to ask if it would work in Australia (once plug changed) they told me no, it would not work despite the “work arounds” that some people discussed.
    Just thought I’d pass this on. Not going to risk shipping our TV now.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tulip1 said:

    As long as someone has the correct identification document and correct proof of address the account would be opened and active immediately. The only other thing that would put a stop to that would be if someone had poor/negative credit history. I’ve never heard of accounts that take ages to be activated, they are either opened or they’re not. An application could be done and held waiting for the necessary documents to be bought in, maybe that’s what you mean but usually an application wouldn’t be started without the correct documentation in hand. 

    When we returned last year, we went to the bank with our documents, our account was set up within thirty minutes or so, and the account was active there and then. Just had to wait for the cards to be posted though, but they arrived within the week.

    • Like 2
  8. 31 minutes ago, tony1971 said:


    Thanks for your replies, we won't have any stopover en route.  Problem is If I need to get new UK passports that will take until end of January 2020, then I will have to fill out the form to change their current visa details to their new UK passports.  I am wondering if Australia immigration London will be able to change their new passport details with thier PR visa.  Does anybody know if it's a quick or slow process for Australia immigration in london ?




    Hi tony1971, new passports should be issued quicker than that I would have thought ? I renewed mine from over in Australia and it only took eight working days so a pretty fast turn a round.

    Despite another form to complete, I still think this would be so much easier to deal with whilst you are still in the UK. 
    I wish you well with your move, enjoy.


  9. 51 minutes ago, tony1971 said:


    We are due to emigrate to Australia in March, we are all Permanent Residents.  Both my sons UK Passports expire in June 2020, will Australia immigration at Heathrow airport let me board the plane as I read they need at least six months on their UK passports to enter Australia?




    I would suggest that you renew the passports now to save yourself a lot of future pain, hassle & stress !

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Sarah Martin said:

    Her argument is that you need to be well off to enjoy all those wonderful things - cultural, shopping, city breaks, etc - that the UK offers and can live well for less in Australia, enjoying the beaches, cafe culture and a year round outdoor lifestyle. 

    Totally agree with that statement. We’re currently in the UK now and think the same thing.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, ali said:

    The medication is available in Aus and costs $40.30 for x2 0.8ml injections (PBS).  it does have an authority code which means you will probably have to see a specialist here (at least initially) to give you the prescription.  Your consultant in the UK won't be able to write valid scripts here.

    To access medication at PBS rates, the person would have to have access to Medicare, otherwise they will have to pay a private prescription rate which is vastly different.

    Colette - did you find out if your visa allows access to Medicare ? because that is your crunch point here.



  12. 45 minutes ago, Colette Little said:

    Hi there! 

    I'm  28 and moving to Melbourne from London UK, on a 457 sponsor visa with my partner in March 2020 after 2 months of travel. I have rheumatoid arthritis and currently take the Adilamumab jab which I have now been on for over a decade. After difficulties with methotrexate and other medicines, switching to Adilamumab finally got my condition under control, so it is of great importance that I am able to continue it.

    Right now I'm trying to figure out how I can continue my medicine and feeling a little overwhelmed as to how to go about it. I've read that with a medicare card you are subsidised  for the treatment, however that on the 457 visa, that you are not eligible for this. 

    I've then read that it can cost thousands of dollars to pay for out of pocket, which I simply do not have. 

    The option that my consultant from home here in London has suggested is to take a years worth of jabs with me (whilst travelling for 2 months) or post the jabs from the UK. Then repeat each year that I stay.

    I just feel like there must be a better option than the above and would appreciate any suggestions from those that have been in a similar situation.

    Thanks in advance! 

    Colette x 

    Hi Colette, I think the first thing you must do is to find out your visa conditions in regards to Medicare access. 

    Because, if you can NOT access Medicare, then you will need to take out private health insurance for your period of time in Australia anyway. Not just because of your drug, but something else may crop up that needs medical attention during your time there.


  13. 2 hours ago, J_H said:

    Hi All - Hoping someone can help..

    My partner and I moved out to Aus in 2014 and are now Permanent residents.

    Sadly, my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer, so we are back in the UK with him now. He has undergone treatment and despite the poor prognosis, is generally well - on no medication and has no physical limitations. He is wanting to join us back in Aus for a couple of months in the New Year but obtaining travel insurance may be difficult due to the terminal prognosis.

    My question to you is - if we are unable to get travel insurance cover, what would be available under the Reciprocal health agreement with the UK in urgent circumstances. He does not require any further treatment and as I said is rather well under the circumstances, but if something were to happen unexpectedly, we would like to understand the position we'd be in and what assistance is available.

    Thanks in advance,


    You definitely need travel insurance because you will need cover for the period of travel between the two countries. It’s a very long journey, for anyone, in good health or not. 
    You will find a company that will cover him (I’ve had cancer and had no problems getting travel insurance) it cost’s more, but travel insurance is essential.




  14. 5 hours ago, Bundijan said:

    I am a 69 year old widow, have lived in Australia for 20 years.  Born in Uk, remarried to an English man and decided to begin our new life here in Queensland.

    Have enjoyed life here and made several friends, but I always felt I did not belong ,to me England was always home. 
    Now am alone,  no family here,  a married daughter living in New Zealand and a sister still living in England.  
    I long to return home, but worry if I will be able to find a house to rent, and how much pension I will be entitled to . Also will I have to pay council tax and how much.

    i have  been doing my sums and by selling everything I own , including my car I will have enough to pay my air fare back to Uk, plus the cost of  bringing my small dog.

    i should have about 5000 pounds when i arrive. My sister with her husband live on a boat in Falmouth Cornwall so will have no room for me,  but hopefully I will find somewhere to live , England Wales or Scotland!  
    I would be grateful for any advise. 



    HI, sorry to hear you are unsettled. Whilst I can't help with all your queries,  we recently arrived back to the UK this year,  so I can share the following info.

    Regarding a rental property, we paid nine months rent upfront. Neither of us are working (retired) and it's quite a rigmarole trying to get statements and documents from pension and super accounts to prove our regular income.

    Yes, every household pays council tax, and we think it's very expensive compared to rates paid in Australia. Ours are 1,908.00 pounds a year, and we're not in a posh area either !

    Regarding a UK pension, that all depends on how much you have paid in over the years, and whether or not you topped it up with some Voluntary National Insurance contributions. You can check your amount yourself online, just google  gov.uk - check state pension - that will take you to the GOV UK site.

    I wish you well.





  15. 6 hours ago, Timeforachange said:

    Hi everyone 

    Just wondering who everyone used to transfers their money.  Concerned with not going through a bank. 


    Any info would be appreciated 


    Never had a problem and easy to use website.

  16. Hi samt4,

    First of all, Quoll is 100% correct in saying that there is no simple answer........

    And yes, in my opinion, you are seeing the UK through rosy glasses at the moment, and I can justify saying this because I've been in exactly the same position as you,  many years ago.

    However, I stuck it for two years, and it was battle !!  but i then realised how lucky I was to live in such a great country, and I went on to have a fabulous 28 years there, and boy was I glad I'd stayed.

    We're currently in the UK now, but heading back to live in Australia early 2020.

    PLEASE stick it out, I know it's hard, I truly do, but no one can settle in a new country in just 8 months.

    I wish you well and good luck.

  17. 15 minutes ago, jul2019 said:

    It's a very nice area 6 mins from supermarkets. I was told there would be no costs in breaking the lease. Someone has been telling me lies. 

    In that case, your rent certainly is very cheap.

    Your lease agreement should list all charges associated with breaking that lease, if you are renting through an agent that is.

  18. 6 minutes ago, jul2019 said:

    It might be cheap to some people but it's not cheap to me. I'll be breaking the lease very soon. $255 a week is high for a 3 bed 1 bath rental. 

    I lived in Perth for many many years, for a three bed two bath, that is a cheap price, unless it is a total dump in a bad area.

    Toots has suggested a good idea. 

    If you break the lease you will have to pay advertising costs and the rent until it is re let, and that could take some time, and you don’t want to get black listed if you can’t pay those costs.

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, jul2019 said:

    Currently paying through the nose for a 3 bed 1 bath rental near Perth. $255 a week is killing my bank balance. Not sure how much longer I can afford these high prices so I've been looking at NRAS rentals. Ideally I want to pay around $500 per month but I don't qualify for NRAS housing. Any ideas how I can lower the rent? 

    That is VERY cheap for Perth. Hold on to it if it’s clean and decent.

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  20. 1 hour ago, Dennyboy said:



    Hi Dennyboy, sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. We just submitted a copy of our UK passports to “demonstrate our right” to move back and live there. No other documents were supplied or even requested. Your removal company should help you with this though,  they will across these types of scenarios all the time. Good luck.

  21. 5 hours ago, Dennyboy said:

    Just heard from uk government, my tor application has been refused as I can’t provide proof of address I’m moving to . 
    I’ve  paid two months rent , and this person still hasn’t provided me with any paperwork as proof 😡😡

    That’s very odd. When we moved back, we had no fixed address so used a relatives, we were not asked for any documents either.

    No one moving back will have any evidence with an address on it, I would ask again.

  22. 7 hours ago, Cvarney said:

    Can anyone recommend an overseas removal company who can deal with out move from Brisbane back to the U.K please?

    We used KENT International when we moved last year, we had no problems and their customer service was excellent, however, this was the Perth based office.

  23. 1 hour ago, Wanderer Returns said:

    I think I’d rather be old and poor in Australia than the UK – at least you wouldn’t need to work about the heating bills!

    Agree 100 % - I stress big time about our energy bills here - and the council tax !!!

    For what it's worth, I think you are doing the right thing. Nothing ventured nothing gained, no harm done if you don't like it, just move again but accept the costs ++ involved and put it down to "experience".

    Good luck and enjoy.



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