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Everything posted by lesbritten

  1. Hi all, I hoping that someone can help me answer the following question that we have been researching and asking. I have been fortunate enough to get a job in Brisbane, 482 visa submitted on Friday and am pencilling in a April 29th start date. The question that we have been asking is regarding health insurance that is part of the conditions of the visa. From my reading, the UK has a reciprocal healthcare agreement with Oz, thus having adequate cover for visa purposes. This has been confirmed with the solicitors who are handling our application. However, would this reciprocal cover be to UK NHS standards? From my reading it is for “emergency” cover only i.e. for the odd broken arm. The second part of the question relates to pregnancy, my wife and I would ideally like to have another before it is too late. Thus, this would be the perfect time to have an addition to the family whilst my wife was out of work/before getting to heavily into a new job. However, on looking at the private insurances provided, there is a 12 month waiting period before they will cover any pre/post antenatal health care. As such, plans have been put on hold/changed (as I will be 40/1 on the arrival – that’s late enough for me) but I was wondering if this care would be covered under the reciprocal agreement. My wife has been asking about and we have been getting contradicting answers. Any wisdom here would be most welcome. Les
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